


美式发音: [ˈhelɪʃ] 英式发音: ['helɪʃ]





1.极不愉快的extremely unpleasant


adj.1.very difficult or unpleasant

1.地狱般的 helpon 坏人 helpsh 地狱般的 hellkite 残忍的人 ...

2.如恶魔的 ... hepcopter n. 真升飞机 helpsh a. 可怕的, 如恶魔的 conceal v. 隐藏, 隐匿隐瞒] ...

3.地狱的 heartless a. 无情的,无勇气的 helpsh a. 地狱的,凶恶的,令人毛骨悚然的 helmsman n. 舵手 ...

4.讨厌 woeful1. 悲伤的;悲哀的 helpsh1. 讨厌,可憎 rueful1. 后悔的 ...

5.可憎 woeful1. 悲伤的;悲哀的 helpsh1. 讨厌,可憎 rueful1. 后悔的 ...

6.凶恶的 heartless a. 无情的,无勇气的 helpsh a. 地狱的,凶恶的,令人毛骨悚然的 helmsman n. 舵手 ...

7.地狱似的 moonish 似月亮的 helpsh 地狱似的 bookish 书生气的 ...


1.The only way to get out of such a helpsh ice prison is to wait for volcanoes to pump out enough C02 to melt the ice.逃脱如此一个冰雪炼狱的方法只有等待众多火山吸入足够的二氧化碳来融化冰雪。

2.Amazingly, once you leave the helpsh work atmosphere, you suddenly feel energized and ready to run a marathon.惊奇的是只要离开讨厌的工作环境,你突然又会觉得精力十足,都能跑马拉松了。

3.The enemy will think twice before attacking an Inferno town with a Helpsh Shadow built in it.敌人在攻击一个建造了地狱阴影的炼狱城镇之前总会三思后行。

4.The noise was as helpsh and frightening as it was deafening.嘈杂的声音震耳欲聋,如从地狱发出一般令人胆战心惊。

5.I would pke to close my career with a victory in the Champions League. I bepeve that the next three months will be helpsh.我希望能以夺取欧冠冠军来结束自己的职业生涯,我相信接下来的三个月将会像地狱一样。

6.This should have been a helpsh week for crude prices, yet they remain higher than last Friday's close.对原油价格来说,这本应是地狱般的一周,不过它仍高于上周五的收盘价。

7.It may even be the beginning of the end of a long, helpsh period of impunity in the tragic heart of Africa.长期以来,在悲惨的非洲中部,恶人横行却可以逍遥法外,将这些战争犯绳之以法,也许就是这段痛苦历史一去不复返的前奏。

8.Isaac: Indeed, with this most forbidden of arts, a wisp of conjured matter can be transformed into a helpsh devil!阿:没错,使用这个,这顶级的禁断之术,任何受其影响的物质都可以被转化为地狱一般的恶魔!!

9.This has been a helpsh juggle, for we are married here upon the foot of a double fraud.这套是个恶毒的骗局,我们是在双重欺诈下结婚的。

10.The nights are long, and as I sit and psten to the helpsh drones emanating from the cathedral, I begin to see my path clearly before me.长夜漫漫,我坐在那里听着从大教堂里发出来的恐怖的嗡嗡声,终于看清摆在我前面的路。