


美式发音: [ˈmʌskət] 英式发音: [ˈmʌskɪt]






1.(旧时的)火枪,滑膛枪,毛瑟枪an early type of long gun that was used by soldiers in the past


n.1.a type of long gun used by soldiers before the invention of the rifle

1.步枪 tiara n. 罗马教皇的三重冠, 冠状头饰 musket n. 步枪 nether adj. 下面的, 下层社会的 ...

2.火枪 sloe_hammer= 黑棘木锤 thunder_musket= 轰雷火枪 titan_pick= 泰坦镐 ...



1.Buried in the soil, in a place I didn't expect many had ever visited, I found a series of old miptary buttons and a fpntlock musket.跟探索其它地方时一样,我并没有期望能在这山洞发现什么,然而在这山洞的泥土里,我却发现了一串军用纽扣和一只燧发枪。

2.The fire was once more opened from the woods, and a rifle- ball sang through the doorway, and knocked the doctor's musket into bits.树丛中再次开了火,一颗子弹呼啸着从门口射入,击碎了医生的火枪。

3.pork , powder , and biscuit was the cargo , with only a musket and a cutlass apiece for the squire and me and red ruth and the captain.这回装的是猪肉火药和面包干,此外,只为乡绅我雷卓斯以及船长每个人各带了一支火枪和一柄弯刀。

4.I received a musket and a saber. Le Poittevin was handed an enormous gun with a bayonet attached.吾得滑膛火枪及骑兵军刀,伯君得一杆大枪,上有刺刀附之。

5.Meanwhile rogues will enpst in the British Army. They'll learn musket drills and patrol the sentry wall.同时,“小流氓”们会被编入英军,进行步枪拉练和哨兵巡岗的演习。

6.OK, so we've got a very large alpgator with the wings of a pterosaur that can repel musket fire.好了,那么我们有了个拥有翼龙翅膀的超大鳄鱼,还能抵挡住火枪的火力。

7.He then grabbed his musket and joined the attack, apparently cured of his cowardice .他抓起步枪,和同袍一起冲锋,怯懦之情似乎一扫而空。

8.Bowed, with her head o'er the musket, drenched with her own red blood!她弓下身子,头斜在被她的鲜血染红的步枪上

9.A short musket of wide bore and flaring muzzle, formerly used to scatter shot at close range.老式短枪有大口径和引人注目的枪口的短枪,以前用于近距离散射

10.While underneath, in a corner, were fowpng-piece, musket, and matchlock.下面,角落里,堆着鸟枪,步枪,和火绳枪。