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1.亨(利)(电感单位)a unit for measuring the inductance in an electric circuit

n.1.亨利2.O. Henry 奥亨利(1862-1901)美国短篇小说家3.【男名】男子名


n.1.the SI unit of electrical inductance, equal to an electrical potential of one volt induced in a closed circuit by a current varying uniformly by one ampere per second.

1.亨利 Horace 哈瑞斯 Henry 享利 Moses 摩西 ...

3.欧·亨利 O.Henry 欧亨利 短篇小说 ... After Twenty Years_ O.He...9 5页 ...

4.亨瑞 henry 亨 henry 亨亨 henry 亨亨亨亨利 ...


1.She was ready to warn Sir Henry so far as she could without imppcating her husband, and again and again she tried to do so.只要不把她的丈夫牵连进去,她就准备去警告亨利爵士,而且她也曾一再地确想这样做。

2.Henry: That "monster" is just a cute pttle elf ! What's the matter with you?亨利:那只“怪兽”只是一只小精灵而已!你是怎么了吗?

3.Sort of brings to mind the Model-T, which Henry Ford famously said was available in any color the customer wanted as long as it was black.那种使人想起示范-T的,这亨利福特曾经说过一句著名的是可以在任何颜色的客户想,只要它是黑色的。

4.Henry, by contrast, thought it was the duty of his subjects to support him in this or any other purpose he might envision.相反,亨利认为,支持他的这个以及任何一个他能想象得到的运动是他的臣民的义务。

5.The door of Henry's lunchroom opened and two men came in. They sat down at the counter.亨利那家供应快餐的小饭馆的门一开,就进来了两个人。他们挨着柜台坐下。

6.Bo said, the mahogany furniture rental Yuan Henry, the only daily pay rent statistics, and maintenance of free rent period by businessmen.杨波称,租用元亨利的红木家具,只需每日交纳万分之三的租金,而且租期内均由商家免费保养。

7.Drogba hit the kind of form expected from Thierry Henry or Wayne Rooney as he became the heart and soul of Chelsea.德罗巴打击了那种寄望于亨利或鲁尼的行为,他成为了切尔西的心脏和灵魂。

8.Then he said there was more, and advised me to speak to the other friends who had helped arrange the memorial service for Henry.然后他说还有一个,并让我问问帮着一起操办亨利葬礼的朋友。

9.The second morning of his sickness, Mr Henry comes to me with something of a hangdog look.亨利先生在病倒的第二天早晨,带着一副垂头丧气的神情到我这儿来。

10.Pamela cut herself a piece of steak and ate it, not taking her eyes off Victor Henry as he wolfed the food.帕米拉切了一块牛排吃,在维克多·亨利狼吞虎咽的时候,她的眼睛一刻也没有离开他。