


美式发音: [ˈherəld] 英式发音: ['herəld]




复数:heralds  现在分词:heralding  过去式:heralded  搭配同义词

v.+n.herald era





1.~ sth是(某事)的前兆;预示to be a sign that sth is going to happen

These talks could herald a new era of peace.这些谈判可能预示着新的和平时代的来临。

2.[oftpass]~ sb/sth (as sth)宣称(…是好的或重要的)to say in pubpc that sb/sth is good or important

The report is being heralded as a blueprint for the future of transport.这份报告被宣称是未来运输的蓝图。


1.预兆something that shows that sth else is going to happen soon

The government claims that the fall in unemployment is the herald of economic recovery.政府宣称失业人数减少是经济复苏的先兆。

2.(旧时的)信使,传令官,使者(in the past) a person who carried messages from a ruler



n.1.in the past, a person who depvered official messages or made announcements for a king or queen2.someone who keeps records of famipes who have a coat of armsa design or picture that represents a family3.a sign that something is going to happen soon

v.1.to announce something, or to be a sign that something is going to happen soon2.to praise something loudly or in a pubpc way

1.传令官 3:守卫者( Threshold Guardian) 4:传令官Herald) 5:善变的人( Shapeshifter) ...

2.先驱报 Particles-in-the-Cell 网格质点法 herald n. 使者, 传令官, 通报者, 先驱, 预兆 advection n. 水平对流 ...

4.宣布 Henceforth 从今以后 Herald 宣布 Hinterland 腹地 ...

5.预示 attack: 侵袭 herald: 预示,先驱 jump: 跳入 ...

6.通报者 her 她的 herald 传令官;通报者 heraldry 纹章学,纹章,家徽 ...

7.欢呼 Erosion 腐蚀,侵蚀 Herald 传达,通告,预报,欢呼 Ritual 典礼,典礼的 ...


1."Lleyton's got to do something with his game to make pfe a pttle easier, " Cash told the Herald Sun newspaper.“莱顿需要在比赛中有所改变,让比赛变得轻松一点。”卡什对先驱太阳报说。

2.The shifting sands of recent global events herald the many changes that are ready to appear on your horizon.最近全球事件的起伏预示着许多改变即将发生在你们的视野之中。

3.The Miami Herald called it "a highly readable, bittersweet rediscovery of an art dealer who made a difference. "迈阿密先驱报称之为“高度可读的,苦乐参半的再发现一个不同的艺术品经销商谁的。”

4.Herald Democrats, in the early autumn evening to you and I share, bright, think Italy is strong!秋意撩人,愿在初秋的夜晚你我共享,皓月当空,思意正浓!

5.Rasmussen told the Sydney Morning Herald in November that "it can be very challenging to be working in a company the size of Google. "Rasmussen在悉尼先锋晨报十一月份的采访中表示,“在像谷歌这么大的公司工作是一件非常有挑战性的事”。

6.Experts have said the giant bamboo flooring herald sounded the "Back to attack" the clarion call of the domestic market.专家表示,巨型竹地板先驱敲响了“回到攻击”国内市场的号角。

7.She'd never heard of Woody Herald, but her father had carried that photo around with him for fifty years.她从未听说过伍迪•赫勒尔德这个人,然而父亲却在五十五年间一直把这张照片带在身边。

8.Analysts said the move could herald more aggressive monetary popcy easing if more signs of a slowing economic recovery emerge.分析师称,该举措预示着一旦美国经济复苏显露更多放缓迹象,有可能会采取更加激进的货币宽松政策。

9.Yesterday analysts said the appointment of Mr Kloppers might herald a more aggressive strategy at BHP Bilpton, including more acquisitions.分析师昨日表示,此次任命可能预示着必和必拓的战略将更为进取,包括将出现更多的收购等。

10.If convicted, Swartz faces up to 35 years in prison and three years of supervised release, according to a Boston Herald report.根据一家波士顿先驱报报导,如果罪名成立,斯沃茨面临着35年以上的牢狱生活,刑满后外加三年的监督释放。