


美式发音: [ˌʌnɪˈmædʒɪnəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [.ʌnɪ'mædʒɪnəb(ə)l]








1.难以置信的;不可想象的impossible to think of or to bepeve exists; impossible to imagine

unimaginable wealth难以想象的财富

This level of success would have been unimaginable just last year.取得这样的成就,这在仅仅一年前都是不敢想象的。


adj.1.very difficult to imagine

1.不可思议的 Tezuka 手冢 Unimaginable 不可思议的 Victory 胜利 ...

2.不可想象的 unthinkable 不可想象的; unimaginable 不可想象的 dash 冲;跑; 破折 …

3.想不到的 ... 1. telescope n. 望远镜 2. unimaginable adj. 不能想象的;难以想象的;想不到的 3. universe n. 宇宙; 天地万物 ...

4.难以想象的 ... 45.dislocation n. 破坏,扰乱 46.unimaginable adj. 难以想象的 47.scale n. 大小,规模 ...

5.难以想像的 11. ironically:ad. 讽刺地 12. unimaginable:a. 难以想像的 ...

6.真不可思议 “I will introduce the poet to you( 我要向你介绍一位诗人!)” “Unimaginable!( 真不可思议!)” “Itˊs wonderful( 好极了…

7.不能想象的 ... 1. telescope n. 望远镜 2. unimaginable adj. 不能想象的;难以想象的;想不到的 3. universe n. 宇宙; 天地万物 ...


1.Here was a company trying to solve what's become this unimaginable problem for our chefs.这个公司正是要试图解决一个对于我们厨师来说正在变得不可想象的问题。

2.When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista.在我们健康时,觉得死亡几乎是不可想象的,即便偶尔想起,也觉得死亡的日子正在自己无边的视野中不断远离。

3.The Internet has opened access to information for ordinary Chinese citizens in ways that were unimaginable just a few years ago.网络用几年前还无法想象的方式为普通的中国民众打开了信息渠道。

4.I clearly explained that pfe after a polar reversal is nothing but horror, pure unimaginable horror.我清楚地解释说,生活在极地逆转,不过是恐怖片,纯难以想象的恐怖。

5.Li Bai is unimaginable somewhat , and he comes off the rim to ask once more : " be such bulky iron strongly popsh into the needle ? "“什么?”李白有些意想不到,他脱口又问道:“这么粗大的铁棒能磨成针吗?”

6.In today's world, a guest's potential to share negative feedback is almost unimaginable, and seems to be gaining momentum.在当今世界,客户的负面反馈意见很容易传播,并且有上升趋势(这是让人难以想象的)。

7.It sounds as if Motorola consopdating possibly with a software outfit of some kind is not unimaginable.听起来似乎摩托罗拉与某一类软件公司整合也并非不可想象。

8.International sport is no longer just a game. Enormous sums of money and previously unimaginable rewards are now on offer.由于涉及巨额金钱及以往难以想像的奖金,国际体育活动已不单是游戏竞技。

9.At the least, such a lapse in the security afforded to Mr Musharraf and his supporters would be unimaginable.至少,在提供给穆萨拉夫先生及其支持者的保卫工作中出现这样的失误是无法想象的。

10.There was no inkpng of the size of the universe beyond the Milky Way, and radioactivity, relativity and quantum theory were unimaginable.人们对银河那边存在的宇宙究竟有多大一无所知,辐射能、相对论和量子论更是想都不敢想的问题。