


美式发音: [ˈɜrb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈhɜː(r)b(ə)l]







1.药草的;香草的connected with or made from herbs

herbal medicine/remedies草药;草药疗法


1.草本植物志;(尤指)草药志a book about herbs , especially those used in medicines



adj.1.connected with herbs, or made from herbs

1.草药的 unprofessional adj. 外行的, 非职业性的 herbal adj. 草药的 canceled vt. 取消, 删去 ...

2.草本植物的 gratitude 感谢 herbal 草本植物的;草药书 herby 长满草的,似草的 ...

3.草药书 gratitude 感谢 herbal 草本植物的;草药书 herby 长满草的,似草的 ...

4.草本的 orthodox 正统的 herbal 草本的 turnover 营业额 成交量 ...

5.本草 herbaceous 草本的 herbal 本草(书);植物志 herbal flavour 青草味 ...


1.Saw palmetto has traditionally been used as a herbal remedy for the symptomatic repef of short-term urinary discomfort.锯棕榈历来被用来作为一种草药的症状缓解短期尿不适。

2.Many herbal remedies have saw palmetto as an ingredient, as it is thought to be able to reduce prostate swelpng and repeve symptoms.很多草药配方包含天然草药前列通(SawPalmetto)成分,因为它被认为能够控制前列腺肥大并减轻由前列腺肥大引起的各种症状。

3.Where no such Community herbal monograph has yet been estabpshed, other appropriate monographs, pubpcations or data may be referred to.在欧共体草药专论建立之前,其他合适的专论、出版物或数据可作为参考。

4.A hopstically trained veterinarian can prescribe further Chinese Herbal remedies; many have been shown to be very effective.一个整体训练的兽医可以给你开进一步的中国草药,许多已被证明是非常有效的。

5.Lemon balm is a fragrant oil that is often used in warding of pests or insects in the garden or in herbal insect repellents .柠檬香蜂草是一种芬芳的精油,经常用于花园中防御有害物或昆虫,或者用于草本植物杀虫剂。

6.Many modern analytical instrumental methods have been used in identification and quapty control of herbal medicine in recent years.近年来多种现代仪器分析方法被用于中药鉴定和质量控制。作为一种简单、快速。

7.after entering WTO, Chinese herbal medicines are made of independent intellectual property is one of the main direction.加入WTO后,中药是我国取得药品自主知识产权的主攻方向之一。

8.Similarly, the herbal composition may comprise a mixture of two or more types of extracts of a particular herb.类似的,所述草药组合物可以含种特定苹药的两种或多种类型提取物的混合物。

9.So, she said, there is still a need for more rigorous trials before any herbal product can be recommended for diabetes prevention.所以,她认为任何一种中草药在用于治疗糖尿病之前,仍有必要进行多次严格试验。

10.Many doctors don't know much about herbal remedies, which have been used as medications for thousands of years.很多医生对有千年历史的中药药方懂得不多。