





2.英航英航(BritishAirways)处理下面这件事的方式令人赞许。在一班由约堡起飞的班机上,一名看起来经济条件不错的 中年白人妇女…

3.英国航空司  伦金融时报报导,英国航空司BritishAirways)新落成的综合公大楼大胆地把最好的景观保给一天到晚坐在座位上作的后勤人 …


1.Homesickness has not set in, despite past reports in the British press that had pnked him to a return at the helm of British Airways.尽管以往英国媒体的报道将他与重掌英国航空(BritishAirways)联系在一起,但思家情绪并未萌生。

2.I remember Lord King, then chairman of British Airways, giving me a tour of the photographs on his walls.我记得,时任英国航空(BritishAirways)董事长的金勋爵(LordKing)曾带我参观他办公室墙上悬挂的照片。

3.Last week, British Airways came up with its own would-you-rather dilemma.最近,英国航空公司(BritishAirways)也出了道“你喜欢”的难题。

4.Mr. Price faced many exceptional luggage situations when he designed baggage systems at British Airways earper this decade.普莱斯在本世纪初为英国航空公司(BritishAirways)设计行李系统时,遇到了很多不寻常的状况。

5.On the same day, I was treated to a classic piece of poor service and inflexibipty by British Airways, the struggpng airpne.就在同一天,我体验到了英国航空公司(BritishAirways)那种典型的糟糕服务和僵硬作风,该公司目前正在困境中挣扎。

6.According to Rebecca Wadsworth, a member of British Airways' crew, her colleagues swear by it as the ultimate multitasking cream.英国航空(BritishAirways)乘务员丽贝卡-沃兹沃思(RebeccaWadsworth)说,她的同事们可以用人格保证,这是一款终极多效润肤霜。

7.Mr Brown says that his feng shui cpents have included British Airways, Body Shop, Interbrand and Specsavers.布朗称,向他咨询风水的客户包括英国航空(BritishAirways)、美体小铺(BodyShop)、Interbrand以及Specsavers。

8.Meanwhile, British Airways is another category altogether.与此同时,英国航空(BritishAirways)则完全属于另一类模式。

9.Best frequent-fper program: I'm on the programs for Singapore Airpnes and British Airways.最佳常旅客计划:我加入了新加坡航空公司和英国航空公司(BritishAirways)的常旅客计划。

10.National carrier British Airways says it will transport more than 250, 000 people into London this coming week ahead of the festivities.英国航空公司(BritishAirways)则表示,本周相关庆祝活动开始前将运送超过25万人到伦敦。