




1.赫比这句话最好的诠释是在电影《疯狂金龟车》放映后。片中名叫赫比Herbie),印有53号赛车字样的金龟车,成为那个时代经 …

2.金龟车贺比“可能我是有点出格,但是当我看过金龟车贺比Herbie)和霹雳游侠(Knight Rider),让我感到奇妙,汽车居然那么可爱迷人…

3.金龟车系列金龟车系列(Herbie)……小巧玲珑的金龟车上演惊险刺激的赛车之旅======================================塔拉迪加 …

4.他赫比卡拉扬圈子里的人并不会叫他赫比Herbie),而是敬称他作“头儿”(der Chef)。但与卡拉扬在照片上的严肃冷峻相较,小泽 …

5.赫比号  我们最佳的幼鸽战将是"赫比号"(Herbie),它在幼鸽时期曾出赛12回并且全部入赏,其中且有11回位居前10%的高位,全部飞程 …

6.赫尔比2004 年12 月赫尔比Herbie )行动25 周年庆典捐助者,捐款拨捐病童医院基金。 吴振红助学基金(The Chan Hon Goh Schola…


1.My buddy Herbie Homes and I rigged up a battery and two key sets and practiced sending messages.我和好友贺比·侯姆斯倒腾出一个电池和两套按键开始练习发报。

2.One of the Grammy Award winning artists scheduled to perform is American Jazz legend Herbie Hancock.计划演奏的格莱美得奖艺术家之一的是美国爵士乐的传奇赫比·汉考克。

3.I had vowed that I would never fall in love again, but God touched Herbie's and my heart and brought us back together again.我发誓,我绝不会坠入爱河,但上帝触碰了赫比和我的心,使我们重新结合在一起。

4.Herbie took out a silk handkerchief to mop his perspiring forehead.赫比掏出丝手帕擦去额上直淌的汗水。

5."He was never about commerciapsm, " one friend, Herbie Miller, told AFP. "Money was not his greatest motivation. "“他从来没想过要商业化”,他的朋友海博·米勒告诉AFP,“金钱不是他主要的动机。”

6.Early on, Winokur worried that her children would grow to resent Herbie for taking their parents away from them.威诺阿开始还担心孩子会越来越怨恨父亲,觉得是他把父母从自己身边带走。

7."Herbie Hancock is by far the best musician out of all of us, put together, " Gill said.基尔说:“迄今为止我们中间所有人加在一起,都比不上何比.汉考克。”

8.But some of the kids didn't seem to learn even when I told them very clearly what to do. Take Herbie, for instance.但是,有些孩子好像并不乐意学习,即使我清楚地告诉他们怎么做也是如此。

9."That's Herbie's butterfly, " Nick said, his eye going to the bright spot of color.“那是赫比的蝴蝶!”尼克说,他的只注意到了那个彩色的亮点。

10.How come you were late for school again this morning, Herbie?郝毕,你怎么早上上课又迟到了?