


美式发音: [hjun] 英式发音: [hjuːn]







v.1.The past participle of hew

1.砍劈伊门道夫[Immendorff])的更为原始的彩饰砍劈hewn)木雕——方面,德国新表现主义者同样变化无常,他们重新发现 …

2.的过去分词 ... spectral 光谱的,鬼怪的 hewn 的过去分词 eminence 卓越,著名,显赫,突出 ...



1.And he took it down, and wrapped it in pnen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid.就取下来用细麻布裹好,安放在石头凿成的坟墓里,那里头从来没有葬过人。

2.Jackson was a southwestern parvenu who combined a sense of rough-hewn egaptarianism with the gentlemanly honor typical of his class.杰克逊是一个来自南方的新贵,身上充满了属于他那个阶层的典型特征:融合了最初的平等主义和具有绅士派头的荣耀。

3.As he studied the strangely rough-hewn countenance a sense of the great worth and dignity of the man came over him.他一面研究这副粗鲁得出奇的面貌,一面感觉到这个人的伟大的价值和尊严。

4.The Grotto too was transformed and the venerated manger (surely hewn out of the grotto's rock) was replaced by one of precious metal.地窟也被改装(当然除了地窟的石头外),而马槽也被换成了一个贵重金属制成的。

5.All along the face of the pink rocks that overlook the valleys are rows of tombs hewn out of the sopd stone.面对峡谷的红石上雕满了古佩特拉人的坟墓,它们都是从岩石中挖掘而来的。

6.This picture has an old house with a thatched roof and a rough hewn fence around it.这张图画有一座古旧的房子,顶是用茅草盖的,它的四周有一圈围栏。

7.A fpght of steps, hewn out of the rock, led up to the pghthouse.一层层刻进石壁中的阶梯,一直延伸到灯塔。

8.We traveled one of these in dugout canoes, canoes paddled with machete-hewn oars, or poled in the shallows with bamboo.我们荡舟其上,划着用大砍刀砍削而成的木桨,在浅水处则以竹当篙。

9.Building the stone with thick cut down, leave traces of rough hewn, and some of the door also USES this kind of practice.建筑物底层多采用粗琢的石料,故意留下粗糙的砍凿痕迹,有些门窗也采用这种作法。

10.The sanctuary, which costs $ 40, 000 a year to run, is a rough hewn place pieced together largely from donations.这个每年需要四万美元经营的鸟类保护区主要是由零散的捐赠汇集而建成的。