




1.至高者称呼:至高者(High One)


1.It seems to be rather high: one per cent over Wallers base rate.利息看来太高了,要比沃勒基本利率高一个百分点。

2.He played two notes on the keyboard, a high one and a low one, perfectly mimicking the intonations for "Hello. "他在键盘上弹出两个音符,一个高音和一个低音,完美地模仿出了“你好”的音调。

3.Industry insiders said companies "two high one funded" cut in export tax rebates are already a psychological suggestion.业内人士表示,企业对“两高一资”产品出口退税的下调早已有心理暗示。

4.He was caught out on a high one.他打一个高飞球而被接杀出局。

5.It is much harder for a goalkeeper to reach down for a low ball than to stretch for a high one.射门时要尽量把球踢得低一点,因为守门员扑低球比接高球要难得多。

6.As Confucius said, "Going on a long journey, one must start from a short step, and cpmbing high, one must start from low. "孔子曰:“行远必自迩,登高必自卑”(语出《中庸》,意为走远路要从近处开始,登高要从低点起步)。

7.The remaining hurdle, admittedly a high one, is to collect the current from the antennae.剩余的障碍,也是公认的最大的一个,就是如何从纳米天线收集电流。

8.Grocery items in a supermarket usually have a low markup, while mink coats have a very high one.例如,超市中食品的毛利一般很低,而貂皮大衣的毛利则很高。

9.I am one day, were happy to jump three feet high one, quickly get on my pttle basket of behind with his grandmother to the fields in the.我一天,乐得一蹦三尺高,连忙拿上我的小篮子,屁颠屁颠的跟在奶奶身后去田里了。

10.To put this figure into context, the previous high one-year growth in US money supply was 16. 9% in 1986.从历史上看,上一次美国货币供应量的大幅增加发生在1986年,增幅达到了16.