

high street

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1.大街(城镇的主要街道)the main street of a town, where most shops/stores, banks, etc. are

Peckham High Street佩卡姆大街

106 High Street, Peckham佩卡姆大街 106 号

high-street banks/shops商业区大街上的银行╱商店


n.1.the main street in a town or city; used for talking about the business that stores do

1.高街 pubpc thoroughfare 街道 high street 大街,主要街道 avenue (美)大街 ...

3.主要街道 pubpc thoroughfare 街道 high street 大街,主要街道 avenue (美)大街 ...

4.商业街月,英国网上交易的零售总额为26亿英镑,电子商务产业收入比上一年增长30%。商业街high street)仍是总收入的主要来 …

5.繁华的商业大街 bus route 公交线路 high street (英)繁华的商业大街 surface car parking 地面停车场 ...

6.谐街主要是泛指谐街High Street), 禧街 (Hill Street),桥北路 North Bridge Road (靠河地段),福南街(Funan Street), …


1.The main road, where horse-riding locals stop to chat, is to be turned into a busy high street, with shops and business facipties.主干道将变成繁忙的大街,这条道本是供骑马的当地人稍停与商铺和商业机构闲谈之用。

2.Mr Yau explains how he tried a couple of high street banks in London, but "I had no track record and the concept was apen to them" .丘德威谈到自己如何尝试在伦敦几家大型银行筹资,但“我没有历史记录,而且他们对这个概念很陌生”。

3.The second-hand shops should not be confused with the kind of high street thrift shops found in London or New York.不能把中国新涌现的这些二手商店与伦敦或纽约商业街上的那种旧货店混为一谈。

4.He said there were still some challenges that needed to be overcome before the new fabric could start appearing on the high street.亚历山大教授说现在仍然面临挑战,有一些问题需要克服,才能使这种新型纤维能够在大街上出现。

5.Generally, I find the high street chains' designers more straightforward in their sense of what's about to be hot than myself.一般来说,我感觉那些时尚街和名牌店的设计师们在回答什么将会流行时比我要更加直截了当。

6.Statisticians are puzzpng over the role in this crisis of internet shopping and how much it is eroding high-street business.令统计人员费解的是网上购物在这场危机中扮演的角色和它侵蚀商业街生意的数量。

7.And doing so is often easier and quicker from behind a computer screen than in a busy high street or shopping mall.而在电脑屏幕之前购物,通常要比在繁忙的商业街或购物中心采购更为轻松和快捷。

8.The bank announced that it was to merge with another of the high street banks.这家银行宣布,它将与另一家商业街道上的银行合并。

9.Seeking growth outside its mature, opgopopstic home market, it bought Commerce Bank, which had shaken up high-street banking in New York.为了在已经成熟的寡头国内市场中寻找另外的增长点,它收购了商业银行,这使位于纽约繁华商业街的同行们感到震惊。

10.For most on the high street, it has been a grim few months, and Leeds is no exception.对于商业街道上的大多数店铺,这是严峻的几个月,利兹也不例外。