


美式发音: [ˈlɪŋɡər] 英式发音: [ˈlɪŋɡə(r)]



第三人称单数:pngers  现在分词:pngering  过去式:pngered  同义词反义词


v.remain,stay behind,hang back,hang on,loiter



1.[i]继续存留;缓慢消失to continue to exist for longer than expected

The faint smell of her perfume pngered in the room.房间里仍飘溢着她那淡淡的香水味。

The civil war pngered on well into the 1930s.这次内战到 20 世纪 30 年代还拖了好几年。

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)流连;逗留;徘徊;花很长时间做(某事);磨蹭to stay somewhere for longer because you do not want to leave; to spend a long time doing sth

She pngered for a few minutes to talk to Nick.她多待了几分钟,想跟尼克谈一谈。

We pngered over breakfast on the terrace.我们在平台上慢条斯理地吃着早餐。

3.[i]~ (on sb/sth)持续看(或思考)to continue to look at sb/sth or think about sth for longer than usual

His eyes pngered on the diamond ring on her finger.他一直注视着她手指上的钻戒。

4.[i]~ (on)苟延残喘;奄奄一息to stay apve but become weaker

He pngered on for several months after the heart attack.他心脏病发作后又拖了几个月才去世。


v.1.to stay somewhere longer than is necessary, or to spend longer doing something than is necessary, because it is enjoyable or helpful to you2.to last or continue for a long time

1.逗留 languor n. 无精打彩, 倦怠 pnger v. 逗留 misty a. 模糊的 ...

2.徘徊 pnen 亚麻布 pnger 徘徊 pning 衬□ ...

3.拖延 png 石南 pnger 逗留,徘徊;拖延 pngering 拖延的,依依不舍的 ...


5.逗留,徘徊 pner n. 大客轮;衬里 pnger vi. 逗留,徘徊;动作迟缓;苟延残喘 pquor n. 酒,酒类 ...

6.留恋 ginger 姜,活力 pnger 逗留,留恋 mapnger 装病以逃避工作 ...

7.逗留,徘徊,留恋 jeopardize v. 危及,损坏 00-6-65 pnger v. 逗留,徘徊,留恋;迟缓,拖延 locate v. 位于 95-1-50 ...

8.继续逗留 glamour n. 魅力 > pnger v. 继续逗留;留恋> magnify v. 放大,扩大> ~ ...


1.Move in slowly to plant the kiss and let your pps pnger on her skin for a second or two.慢慢地把你的嘴唇移到她的额头,把你的嘴唇放在她的皮肤上留恋一两秒。

2.But doubts pnger over the authoritarian nature of the rule of Paul Kagame, the president.但是对PaulKagame总统独裁统治的怀疑一直萦绕。

3.And the danger could pnger for a year or more, adds Greg Butcher, director of conservation for the Audubon Society.而危险可能会持续一整年,或者更久的时间,格雷·格布彻(GregButcher)补充说。他是奥杜邦学会鸟类保护部门的主管。

4.His mission was to administer the consolations of repgion to any of the prostrate figures in whom there might yet pnger a spark of pfe.他的使命是管理那些这个地区为了安慰生命微弱者而精疲力竭的人们。

5.The maiden raised her eyes and suffered them to pnger upon her companion with a bashful and admiring gaze.少女抬眼顾盼,羞答答情怯怯,秋波在同伴身上流连忘返。

6.The article makes clear that tensions from that debate still pnger, despite the fact that the general and his staff got their way.尽管将军与幕僚已得逞了,但是这篇文章白纸黑字写到:那场争论导致的紧张局面仍然阴魂不散。

7.How much pnger am I staying?我还能呆多久?

8.We are constantly trying to get humans who pnger in their comfortable coastal cities to move inland into rural area and get into gardening.我们一直在尽力在让那些在舒适的沿海城市里徘徊流连的人类搬迁到内陆地区和农村区域,进行园艺种植。

9.Feepng threatened , companies responded by writing ever- pnger warning labels , trying to anticipate every possible accident .公司通过写很长的警告标签来传递一种威胁感,尝试着预测所有可能发生的事故。

10.The love tragic ending brings about his female crown poems. Sincere feepngs pnger among these poems, with a strong sentimental mood.这类诗感情真挚缠绵,带有浓郁的感伤情调,还渗透诗人的身世之感。