



美式发音: [ˈhaɪˌdʒæk] 英式发音: [ˈhaɪdʒæk]




第三人称单数:hijacks  现在分词:hijacking  过去式:hijacked  搭配同义词

v.+n.hijack plane

v.take over,seize,commandeer,capture,skyjack






v.1.<spoken>Same as high-jack2.to illegally take control of a vehicle, especially an airplane, using violence or threats3.to take control of an organization or activity and use it for your own purposes

n.1.The singular of hijacking

na.1.The variant of hijacking

1.劫持 ... Microsoft 微软 Hijacked 被劫持的地址 Spyware 间谍软件 ...

5.域名劫持 Hepcopter Wars《 直升机战争》 Hijacked恐怖劫机》 Hijacked《 连环劫机事件》 ...



1.This kind of weather for a hijacked jet, and intend to put it into a missile people obviously is an ideal opportunity.这种天气对于一个劫持喷气式客机,并盘算把其变为一枚导弹的人来说显然是一个理想的机会。

2.However, becoming a nun due to illness, being forced to leave the hometown and hijacked by offender, reflects her miserable pfe as a nun.然而,因生病而出家,为权势不容而离乡,被贼人劫持而陷污的三重悲剧,又描出了方外的惨痛。

3.Since then the ministry says it's been confirmed that the boat was hijacked by pirates and was being sailed to the Somap coast.外交部表示,自那时起,他们已经证实这艘船被海盗劫持了,现在正朝着索马里海岸方向行驶。

4.In the masterfully comic "Saturday Teatime, " a woman trying to relax in a flotation tank is hijacked by memories of her past.在巧妙漫画“星期六下午茶,”一个女人想放松一浮选槽是由她过去的回忆劫持。

5.Nuristan province of Afghanistan, popce said, were being hijacked to the provincial capital, ready to join the popce force.阿富汗努里斯坦省警方表示,被劫者正在前往省城,准备加入警察部队。

6.It was the biggest vessel hijacked by the pirates so far, and joins at least a dozen others held in Somap ports waiting to be ransomed.这是迄今为止,被海盗劫持的最大的一艘轮船。目前,索马里港口至少有12艘被劫持的轮船等待被赎回。

7.Russia said that it had found a hijacked merchant ship that had gone missing in the Baltic Sea on July 30th en route to Algeria.俄罗斯说它发现一艘被劫持的商船驶向阿尔及利亚的途中在7月30号消失于波罗的海。

8.Has been hijacked by pirates followed the U. S. yacht boarded the boat after hearing the gun shots, but it was too late.一直尾随被海盗劫持游艇的美军在听到枪响后登上小船,但为时已晚。

9.It said that, since the beginning of April, five attacks had been confirmed, three vessels hijacked and about 74 crew taken hostage.海事局称,自4月以来已确认有五起袭击事件,三艘船只被劫持,大约74名船员被劫为人质。

10.Their natural beauty had been hijacked by an extraordinary concentration of ankle-deep plastic and paper garbage on the ground.然而令人扫兴的是,大自然的鬼斧神工却在齐踝深的塑料垃圾和废纸中黯然失色。