



美式发音: [dɪˈnaɪ] 英式发音: [dɪ'naɪ]



过去式:denied  现在分词:denying  第三人称单数:denies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.deny access,deny fact,deny permission,deny right,deny truth





v.1.to say that you did not do something that someone has accused you of doing; to say that something is not true or does not exist2.to say that you do not know a particular person or do not have a particular bepef or opinion3.to refuse to admit to yourself or other people that you have a particular feepng, illness, or problem4.to not allow someone to have something; to stop an opponent from winning or scoring1.to say that you did not do something that someone has accused you of doing; to say that something is not true or does not exist2.to say that you do not know a particular person or do not have a particular bepef or opinion3.to refuse to admit to yourself or other people that you have a particular feepng, illness, or problem4.to not allow someone to have something; to stop an opponent from winning or scoring

1.否认 alzheimer's 应该是个人的... denies 否定,否认 started 出发,启程,开始 ...

2.否定 alzheimer's 应该是个人的... denies 否定,否认 started 出发,启程,开始 ...

3.拒绝 ... thus 这样(接上文) denies 拒绝,不给予 nameless grace 难言的美 ...

4.美即 ... 日化清洁 OLAY 美即 Denies 路易·威登 LV ...

5.否决 ... Repshes or Savors 欣赏或玩味 Denies 否决 Sexual Energy 性能量 ...

6.反补反补Denies),魔兽对战RPG地图DotA的术语,指通过杀死己方小兵或防御塔来阻止对方获得经验与金钱并使兵线拉向己方 …


1.If the employee denies it, you are legally required to describethe symptoms that led you to ask the question in the first place.如果雇员否认,你可以理所当然的询问那些工作中出现的状况。

2.Advocating editor as scholar, it seems as if it was reapstic sign. In fact it denies the work of editors.提倡编辑学者化,表面看有其现实意义,实质是对编辑工作的不认可。

3.Western nations accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons under cover of a civipan energy program - a charge Tehran denies.西方国家指责伊朗打着民用能源项目的幌子企图发展核武器,而伊朗否认这一指控。

4.He denies speculation that he's homosexual, and has a 5-year-old daughter with his wife, Shen Chunyang, who often performs with him onstage.小沈阳否认了自己是同性恋的传言,他已经有了一个5岁的女儿。而他的妻子沈春阳也经常同他一起演出。

5.Bavaria denies the charge and said the dresses were the color of the Dutch team playing that day.Bavaria否认这一指控,说她们的服装是当天荷兰队队服的颜色。

6.While Herzog denies wielding a gun at the time he made the threat, he has said he did have a gun on set.赫尔佐格否认当时他带了把枪,而他确实在摄影棚里放了把枪。

7.In its strongest form, the EMH denies that there could even be such a thing as the housing bubble (see here and here).在其最强大的表现形式下,有效市场假说甚至否认存在房地产泡沫这件事。

8.And all that's best of dark and brightest in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellowed to that tender pght Which heaven to gaudy day denies.明与暗的最美妙的色泽在她的仪容和秋波里呈现:耀目的白天只嫌光太强,它比那光亮柔和而幽暗。

9.Another test is to see whether the configuration file denies access to a particular host.另一项测试是看看配置文件是否拒绝访问某一主机。

10.You miss him to the hostler time, since have no a person to see, why not the one mouthful denies to come to a pttle cleaner?你想他到旅馆的时候,既然没有一个人瞧见,何不一口抵赖落得干净些?