




1.姬 天使之羽/ Angel's Feather - HiME 舞-乙 HiME ...

3.舞-乙 午夜快车 WALL-E 舞-乙 HiME 伟大的盖茨比 O.S.T ...


5.姬鱼属姬鱼属(Hime) 寇女鱼属(Latropiscis) 寇女鱼(Latropiscis purpurissatus) 拟毛背鱼属(Pseudotrichonotus) 龙头鱼属(Harpadon…

6.电击姬同问电击姬HIME)上的动漫周边可以从日本订购送到国内来吗? 回答 共2条 还没有百度账号?


1.When he was washing dishes in the sink, Tony asked hime to sit for a conference, He'd pke Walter to sit in.当他正在清洗水槽里的碗筷时,托尼叫他参加一个会议。他想要沃尔特傍听。

2.The ball struck hime full on the chest.球正好打在他的胸口。

3.In the "Making of Mononoke Hime" video, you can see Miyazaki checking and redrawing to make characters "act right" .在《幽灵公主的制作》录像里,你可以看到宫崎骏检查并重画以使角色“表演正确”。

4.immediately I recognize hime immediately.我立刻认出了他。

5.We gave him some medication, and we're watching hime carefully.我们已给他进行了治疗,现在对他做严密的观察。

6.It will cost you alot of time to make hime accustomed to it.要让他使习惯于这事得耗上好一段时间!

7.Hi is so stubborn that noboby can ask hime to do anything.他很固执,没人能说服他去做任何事。

8.Let put hime in charge of the new process because he catchs on quickly.让他来负责这个新工作程序因为他干什么都是一学就会。

9.Everyone around hime was very angry about hime.大家在他附近,对他非常恼怒。

10.His son is unpke hime in every respect.他的儿子没有一处像他。