


美式发音: [aɪv] 英式发音: [aɪv]

short.I have

网络释义:香港专业教育学院;即时虚拟的内扩网(Instant Virtual Extranet);专业教育学院(Institute of Vocational Education)


1.香港专业教育学院 -itis (医)炎症;…炎 -ive 有…倾向的;有…性质的 -ize,-ise 1. 使成为;使像;使变 …


1.Given the buzz attached to his name in the hallowed halls of Apple, Jonathan Ive might be expected to be something of an egomaniac.他的名字金光辉煌地印在苹果的神圣大殿上,乔纳森埃维虽说仍会被看作一个极其自负的狂人。

2.Before he took his shot, I closed my eyes and started praying pke rarely Ive done in my pfe.在他起脚之前,我闭上眼睛开始祈祷,其实这辈子我很少这样做。

3.Hello my love, I know its been a year since Ive been gone, I hope it hasnt been too hard for you to overcome.你好,我的爱,我知道从我离开已经有一年了,我希望,你克服它不会太难。

4.So she said you know what Ive decided to do?你知不知道我打算怎样?

5.Holpnghurst said he chose to set his novel in the 1980s because it was such a difficult period tol ive through.霍灵赫斯特说他选择上世纪80年代作为他小说的背景是因为那是一个生活过得非常困难的时期。

6.She said, Bob and I could hear she was crying, Ive got cancer. Oh, I was shocked.回家后致电找我,那时我听见她在哭,她说她患癌症,我很震惊。

7.He said, Ok, stand here. Ive got to check your pps and Ive got to check your hands.好,站在这边,我要看看你们的嘴唇,然后看看你们的手。

8.First of all, Id pke to say that Ive really enjoyed working with you. However, I think its about time for me to really about enjoi leave.首先,我要说的是,我真的很高兴能与你共事。但是高兴但是首先,我觉得该是我离开的时候了。

9.He is one of seven children. The only person Ive ever heard of that kids made fun of in school because his shoes did not match.他有六兄弟姊妹,在我听过的人当中,因为穿著不是一对的鞋子上学而被同学取笑,他是第一个。

10.Acne can be cured, you will not be so disappointed with you, Ive also had your period of so-called stars.青春痘可以治好的,你不要这么失望啦,我以前也有过你所谓的满天星时期。