

hip hop

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n.1.a type of music that developed among African-American musicians using rap and samplesshort pieces of recorded music or sound that are repeated and combined with musical instruments2.an African-American street culture that developed in the U.S. in the 1970s, and includes djing and breakdancing

1.嘻哈 交谊舞 Ballroom 嘻哈舞 Hiphop 现代舞 Contemporary ...

4.嘻哈街舞 【poppin 机械舞】 共12次课程 【HIPHOP 流行街舞】 共12次课程 【JAZZ 爵士舞】 共12次课 …

6.嘻哈流行街舞 ... JAZZ & WACKIN( 爵士舞&甩舞) HIPHOP嘻哈流行街舞) FREESTYLE( …

7.嘻哈文化,恍惚舞曲(Trance), TripHop音乐,嘻哈舞曲HipHop),丛林鼓和贝斯音乐(Jungle/DrumNBass), ChillOut/Downt…


1.It is no accident that American teenagers picked up the slang term "dis" from black hiphop lyrics in the 1980s.八十年代,美国青少年从黑人嘻哈乐歌词的俚语中学来了“dis”一词———这一现象并非偶然。

2.The USA pavipon will also feature an array of American cultural performers -- from Blue Grass to Hiphop, to Jazz to classical music.美国馆还将以大量的美国文化表演者为特色——从蓝草、嘻哈、爵士到古典音乐。

3.This is a new HIPHOP element, the element is not pubpc knowledge, only a small part of the circulation.这是一种新兴的HIPHOP元素,现在这个元素还不为大众所知,只是少部分的流传着。

4.HIP HOP is the essence of the discourse with treason together with the rhythm of shocked to combat your soul!HIPHOP的精华就是用叛逆的话语加上震撼的节奏来打击你的灵魂!

5.So here in 2010, my hiphop is not old, it's tradition, but I 'm still updating my style.所以在2010,我的hiphop并没过时,它保有原有的传统底蕴,但我一直在更新我跳舞的风格。

6.Along with competition carrying on, his unceasing tattoos, unceasing hairstyle, what is invariable is his love to HIPHOP.随着比赛的进行,他不断的刺青,不断的变换发型,不变的是他对HIPHOP的热爱。

7.In the high streets and back lanes, followed by HIPHOP rhythm, everyone together to enjoy the freedom of basketball fun.在大街小巷,跟着HIPHOP的节奏,大家一起来享受自由篮球的乐趣吧。

8.Any other idead for toy version of hiphop stars?问:还有计划为其他的Hip-Hop明星制作玩具吗?

9.That day, go straight to the street, let us feel the taste of the original HIPHOP.那一天,走上街头,让我们一起感受原始HIPHOP的味道!

10.hiphop is a very special and deep culture, coming from the hiphop culture.嘻哈是一种特殊而深远的文化,它来源于黑人的嘻哈文化。