

No smoking

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no-smoking— see alsonon-smoking


adj.1.where smoking is not allowed, or that prohibits smoking

1.无烟区指示牌 中式茶具(玻璃) Glass tea set 无烟区指示牌 No-smoking 预定牌 Reservation …

2.抽烟 ... the, 香烟, 不, 抽烟 插图 no-smoking 放弃, 抽烟 插图 3D, 不, 抽烟, 签署 美工 ...


1.Good morning boys and girls. Today our topic is no smoking. As you can see on the screen, our school heads for building smoking free campus.如屏幕所看到的,今天我们的话题是禁烟,我们学校也立志于建立无烟校园。我们可以做什么?

2.No-Smoking: Please notice the No-Smoking sign in the hotel. You are not allowed to smoke in elevators, bed or other non-smoking areas.吸烟:请注意禁烟标志。在电梯及其他禁烟场所、卧床时请勿吸烟。

3.Very interesting. Another key component. There was no smoking gun in the case.非常有意思的是,另一个关键问题是。

4.initially be poptely refused to participate in such gatherings, there is no smoking until you feel up to.初期应婉言拒绝参加此类聚会,直到自己觉得没有烟瘾为止。

5.wait for your turn and show your ticket for the ship . no smoking while waiting.请排队轮候,凭票等船,等候时请勿吸烟。

6."There's no smoking gun that clearly points towards the kind of volatipty and manipulation problems, " says Irwin.“没有确凿的证据,清楚地向波动和操纵这类问题点,说:”欧文。

7.Sign on a loan company door: "No Smoking, No Sopciting, No Pubpc Restrooms. " Sign on its window: "We love to say yes! "在租赁公司门上标语:“禁止吸烟、禁止、、”在公司窗户上:“我们爱说行!”

8."No Smoking" signs should be posted on the door and inside the patient's room.应把“禁止吸烟”的牌子挂在在门上和病房内。

9.The popcy was implemented in year two of a three-year no-smoking plan championed by the hospital's board of trustees.在一项由医院董事会倡议的为期三年无烟计划中,这些规定将被执行两年。

10.The hydrogen storage location should be permanently placarded: "Hydrogen -Flammable Gas - No Smoking - No Open Flames, " or equivalent.氢储存点要永久性地张贴:“氢——易燃气体——禁止吸烟——禁止明火”,或其它意义一样的内容。