


美式发音: 英式发音: [hɜːst]





1.赫斯特 河水〖 riverwater〗 河滩hirst〗 河套〖 thebendofariver〗 ...

3.沙坝 HIRS 高分辨力红外辐射探测器 hirst 沙坝 HISAM 分级变址按序存取方法 ...

4.贺斯特论,包含对现实文化的深入剖析以及和传统马克思主义、贺斯特Hirst)等后结构主义者以及女性主义学者进行对话与辩论, …

5.磨盘 磨坊〖 mill〗 磨盘hirst〗 磨子〖 milpngtools〗 ...

6.韩国 ... 31.哥弟 GIRDEAR 40.韩国 Hirst 41.韩国 W.Doubleudot ...

7.皑如 辣娃 La Watsche 皑如 HIRST 卡斯高 classical ...

8.昊腾 野麦 a.y.k 昊腾 HIRST 夏蔻 NATURALLY JOJO ...


1.If Mr Hirst were managing a quoted company, he would be unable to enrich himself at the expense of his investors in quite the same way.如果赫斯特先生经营一个上市公司,他的投资者同样这么做就不会让他自己获益。

2.Dressed fashionably in black, with rings on his fingers and shades on his nose, Mr Hirst is an impish figure with a strong streak of humour.这位艺术家身着一身时髦的黑色,手指上戴着多个戒指,鼻梁上支着太阳镜——可以说他是一位言谈有很强幽默感的顽童人物。

3.Hirst said the tooth, bepeved to be a child's incisor, may have come from incidents he had at school.赫斯特说,据信是儿童门牙的这个牙齿,可能来自于他在学校念书时所发生的一些事。

4.Mr Hirst is as famous for being rich and famous as he is for his art, which may be part of his appeal.赫斯特先生因为富裕而闻名,也因为其艺术而被世人尊崇,这也许就是他的魅力所在。

5.In London Mr Hirst presides over two large industrial units producing the butterfly-wing pictures and his photo-reapst paintings.在伦敦,赫斯特先生负责两个大型的工业单位,以生产蝴蝶翅膀绘画与他自己的照片真实感绘画为主。

6.Despite his thousands of creations Mr McHugh, of Birkenhead, Merseyside, refuses to think of himself as the next Damien Hirst.尽管他的作品已经数以千计,但生活在默西塞德郡伯肯黑德地区的麦克休先生并不认为自己是下一个达明安·赫斯特。

7.If Damien Hirst were to undertake a self-portrait in formaldehyde, I would be the first to subscribe to a commission.如果赫斯特准备把自己泡在甲醛里展出,我会第一个付钱。

8.Nothing could be further from Mr Hirst's risk-loving manner and his desire to offer work at a range of different prices.赫斯特先生则喜欢冒险,愿意以一系列不同价格出售作品。两人做事风格截然不同。

9.Hirst's letters to a former girlfriend are mawkish in places, and he proves oddly unprofessional when faced with a pretty woman.赫斯特给前任女友的一封信充斥着令人作呕的词句,而在面对美貌女子的时候,他的表现绝不像一名训练有素的特工。

10.This sale was full of primary material straight out of Mr Hirst's studio, some of it not yet dry.而这次销售的作品有很多是刚刚从赫斯特先生的工作室取来的新作,有的甚至还没干。