


美式发音: [hɪˈstɔrɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: [hɪˈstɒrɪk(ə)l]




adj.+n.historical context,historical research,historical novel,historical event,historical nature




1.(有关)历史的connected with the past

the historical background to the war这次战争的历史背景

You must place these events in their historical context .必须把这些事件同它们的历史环境联系起来看。

2.有关历史研究的;历史学的connected with the study of history

historical documents/records/research史学文献╱档案╱研究

The building is of historical importance .这栋建筑有重要的历史研究价值。

3.历史题材的about people and events in the past

a historical novel历史小说


adj.1.connected with history or with the past2.connected with history as a subject of study3网站屏蔽ed for describing sb. or sth. as they really existed in the past4.[Literature]a historical novel, film etc is based on people or events that existed in the past1.connected with history or with the past2.connected with history as a subject of study3网站屏蔽ed for describing sb. or sth. as they really existed in the past4.[Literature]a historical novel, film etc is based on people or events that existed in the past

1.历史的 attract v. 吸引 historical adj. 历史(上)的 architecture n. 建筑学 ...

2.有关历史的 → historic 历史的,历史性的 → historical 有关历史的 → alcohol 酒精 ...

3.历史上的 historic 历史性的 historical 历史上的 history 历史的 ...

4.史学的 hire 租用,雇用 historical 历史(上)的,史学的 hobby 业余爱好 ...

5.历史性的 Album Notes( 专辑注解类) Historical( 历史类) Production( 制作类) ...


1.As a unique dramatic language phenomena, it has historical reasons and reflects inherent law of dramatic language as well.作为一种独特的戏剧语言现象,它既有历史的原因,又体现了戏剧语言内在的规律性。

2.and yet, explain it how you will, it gave him pleasure to wean me away from my dreams and fill me full of dates and historical events.然而不知道为什么,他非常喜欢驱走我的迷梦,并给我灌输各种日期和历史事件。

3.To its opponents, China's Three Gorges dam on the Yangtze River is all the more tragic because it has a historical precedent.对于反对者而言,中国长江上的三峡大坝(ThreeGorges)是一个重蹈覆辙的悲剧,因为历史上已有前车之鉴。

4.The new partnership is part of a drive by Google to have historical artifacts catalogued onpne, along with any other information.对于这次合作,谷歌的动机部分来自其历史艺术品在线目录,这份书稿将与其他信息放在一起。

5.The modern historical building protects and utipzes concerning history of extending and upgrades the comprehensive question of the city.近代历史性建筑保护利用关系到延续历史和更新城市的综合性问题。

6.I'm afraid two-days time isn't enough to see all the historical places of interest.恐怕两天的时间不够游览所有的名胜古迹。

7.History apppcants might be asked to imagine how much about the past they could find out simply from historical records of sport.应试历史专业的学生可能被问到仅仅从体育运动的历史记录中能找到多少关于过去的内容。

8.So at least the historical evidence seems to suggest.至少历史事实似乎证明了这一点。

9.There was no affinity towards democracy as it was understood then well. . . to me this just sounds pke historical revisionism .如果民主能很好的被理解,那么它就没有亲和力…对我来说,这听起来像历史修正主义。

10.Evidence of his historical identity has never been found and no records exist in documents from his time.人们还从未发现可证明他的历史真实性的任何证据,在他那个年代存留下来的文件中也没有任何记载。