


美式发音: [hɪˈtɑtʃi] 英式发音: [hiˈtɑ:tʃi]





un.1.coastal industrial city in eastern Honshu, Japan.

1.日立 美国吉时利( Keithley) 日本日立( Hitachi) 杭州爱华( Aihua) ...

5.日立牌日立牌(Hitachi)彩色电视机型号CPT2177图纸(电路原理图)提供免费下载电子线路图纸(电路原理图)提供免费下载 下载说明 下载 …

6.日立集团日立集团Hitachi)——全球最大的综合跨国集团之一 官方网站: http://www.hitachi网址被屏蔽/ 英文 中国网站: http://www.hitachi.co…


8.日立金属本日立金属HITACHI)特殊钢,大同(DAIDO)特殊钢,瑞典一胜百(ASSAB)工具钢,德国撒斯特(SSE)塑模钢,奥地 …


1.Hitachi also plans to come out with perpendicular drives this year, as well as an even more dense version of these types of drives in 2007.日立公司也不甘落后,随即宣布将于年内推出自己的垂直记录式硬盘,并号称将于2007年推出具有更高存储容量的同类产品。

2.Nintendo said it had not complained to the FTC about Sharp's and Hitachi's pricing.任天堂称,公司未就夏普和日立的定价向公平贸易委员会提出申诉。

3.Hitachi's spokesman decpned to say if the company makes airflow sensors in any of its other plants besides the Sawa facipty.日立发言人拒绝透露除Sawa厂外,该公司是否还有其他工厂生产空气流量传感器。

4.Until the day before yesterday, she found something of Hitachi City Hall staff, only fix the toilet.直到前天,她找到日立市事役所工作人员,才修好厕所。

5.Mergers of the Hitachi-IBM variety have been a dime a dozen over recent decades.近几十年来,“日立—IBM”这类的合并一直屡见不鲜。

6.The company's main: Construction Machinery: Komatsu Hitachi Carter Sumitomo Mitsubishi Volvo Benz. DEUTZ other supercharger.本公司主营:工程机械:小松。日立。卡特。住友。三菱。沃尔沃。奔驰。道依茨等增压器。

7.Less than 100 kilometers from the Fukushima nuclear power plant Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture, is one of Hitachi's production base.距离福岛核电站不到100公里的茨城县日立市,是日立公司的生产基地之一。

8.Hitachi executives say this 'black box' design makes gear harder to copy, and also harder to understand, for instance during testing.日立公司高管说,这种“黑盒子”(blackbox)设计令其设备难以被复制,也难以被外人理解(比如在测试过程中)。

9.Since then, Hitachi City, spinach is no longer exported to other regions, Hitachi City, local residents have nothing to eat spinach by.从那时起,日立市的菠菜不再出口到其他地区,日立市当地居民,也没有吃菠菜了。

10.Within Japan the firm was considered the nation's industrial champion, as the sun seemed to set on other giants such as Sony and Hitachi.在日本,丰田被认为是国家的工业冠军,如同太阳一般照耀在其他巨头上,比如索尼和日立。