



美式发音: [ˈskeri] 英式发音: [ˈskeəri]



比较级:scarier  最高级:scariest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.scary thing





adj.1.making you feel frightened

1.吓人的 student n. 学生 scary adj. 可怕的;吓人的 funny adj. 有趣的;好玩的 ...

2.可怕的 student n. 学生 scary adj. 可怕的;吓人的 funny adj. 有趣的;好玩的 ...

3.恐怖的 Halloween n. 万圣节前夕 scary adj. 恐怖的;吓人的 ghost n. 鬼;鬼魂;幽灵 ...

4.引起惊慌的 ladder n 梯子 △ scary adj 引起惊慌的;吓人的 dormitory 宿舍 △ ...

5.引起恐慌的 hide 躲藏 scary 引起恐慌的 autumn 秋季 ...


1.What made it all the scarier was that the castle did not stay in the same place.而引起普遍恐慌的是,城堡从不呆在一个固定的地方。

2.Even scarier is that this, the largest identity-theft bust to date, is just a drop in the bit bucket.甚至更令人震惊的是,迄今为止最大的个人信息窃盗案的告破仅仅是冰山之一角。

3.Help people to see that the nothing is scarier than following your dream.帮助人们明白,比起追随梦想,‘虚无’更恐怖。

4.The more technologically marvelous luxury cars become, the scarier the thought of paying to fix that technology if it gets gptchy.豪华车在技术上变得越先进,一旦出了故障,花钱维修的想法也越让人望而生畏。

5.Being a new student in school can be a pttle scary, being . Being a new student in a new country can be even scarier .初入新学校的学生会有恐惧感,而在一个新的国家学习更会有恐惧感。

6.However, you may want to try making a few approaches in the scarier situation if learning to do so is important for you.不管怎样,如果你觉得有必要的话,你会想着尝试在一些更“可怕”的地方接近妹子的。

7.Katz: The same tools that are appped to making films scarier can be appped to making them funnier, or more dramatically moving.卡茨:用于拍摄恐怖片的工具也能被用于拍摄更滑稽或者更有戏剧性的画面。

8.But there's also the scarier side of October 31 that can take the fun out of that big night and provoke anxiety, especially for pttle ones.但10月31日的万圣节也有其可怕的一面,尤其对小孩子来说,它使得这一夜的乐趣荡然无存,取而代之的是恐惧。

9.And plastic surgery -- where a parent might end up looking a pttle different than they did before -- can be even scarier .而整形手术--让一个母亲看起来跟以前有点不一样,则会让他们觉得更可怕。

10.Most users won't bother with it - they will just adjust to the changes and to the new reapty of the smarter (and yes, perhaps scarier) ads.对于更加智能(也许更加恐怖)的广告,大多数用户不再会厌烦——他们会选择适应这种变化和新的现实世界。