


美式发音: [sʌm] 英式发音: [sʌm]


v.合计;总结;总计(into, to)

abbr.(=surface-to-underwater missile)舰对水下导弹[飞弹]


复数:sums  过去式:summed  现在分词:summing  搭配同义词

adj.+n.large sum,small sum,huge sum,enormous sum,tidy sum

v.+n.spend sum,earn sum,save sum,lose sum,raise sum




1.[c]~ (of sth)金额;款项an amount of money

You will be fined the sum of £200.你将被罚款 200 英镑。

a large sum of money一大笔钱

a six-figure sum一笔六位数的款项

2.[c][ususing]~ (of sth)和;总和;总数the number you get when you add two or more numbers together

The sum of 7 and 12 is 19.7 加 12 的和是 19。

3.[sing]the ~ of sth全部,一切(尤指数量不大)all of sth, especially when you think that it is not very much

This is the sum of my achievements so far.这就是我目前的全部成就。

4.[c]算术;(数字的)简单计算a simple problem that involves calculating numbers

to do a sum in your head做心算

I was good at sums at school.我上学时擅长算术。

If I've got my sums right, I should be able to afford the rent.要是我算对了的话,我应该负担得起这笔租金。

IDMbe greater/more than the sum of its parts个体相加不如集体的力量大to be better or more effective as a group than you would think just by looking at the individual members of the groupin sum总之;总而言之used to introduce a short statement of the main points of a discussion, speech, etc.v.


v.1.合计,总计;总结,总括,概括2.总计(into, to);(法官听原告,被告陈述后)概括要点 (up)

abbr.1.(=surface-to-underwater missile)舰对水下导弹[飞弹]

n.1.an amount of money2.a simple calculation. To do a sum is to calculate something.3.a total amount made by adding several numbers or amounts together

abbr.1.(=surface-to-underwater missile)

1.求和(summation) )RANK 排名次。例: )SUM 求和 )AVERAGE 求平均数。 ...

2.总数 sume,sumpt=to take 拿取 summ=sum,highest 总数,最高 sur=sure,secure 确定,安全 ...

3.总和 Mean- 均值 Sum总和 Std Dev- 标准差 ...

4.金额 succeed vi. 成功 sum n. 总数;算术题;金额 survive vi. 幸免;幸存;生还 ...

5.求和函数 SETY 100 把小海龟定位在纵坐标(X,100) SUM 求和函数 DRAW 初始化 ...

6.合计 hotspot 链接列 do_sum 合计 input 可输入 ...

7.总计 destroy v 毁坏,破坏 sum n 总计 n.和 summit n 顶峰 ...


1.Its antithesis is hopsm, which recognizes that the whole is often more than the sum of its parts.与之相对的是整体论,该理论认为整体的作用往往大于各部分的简单相加。

2.'People are more wilpng to pay that sum of money to secure their dog's safety, ' said the animal doctor.她说,人们现在更愿意花那么多钱保证宠物狗的安全了。

3.The 85 bilpon bailout is not a small sum of money and is supposed to help Ireland out of the crisis if appropriately used.850亿欧元可不是一个小数目,使用得当估计可以帮爱尔兰勉强走出危机。

4.The considerable sum of money made by his former colleagues failed to distract his mind from his hard research work.他以前的同事赚了相当多的钱,但并没有分散他从事艰难的研究工作的注意力。

5.It is in the sum of these accommodations of images that the subject must find the opportunity for an essential integration.从众多的影像的调适,主体一定可以找到机会,为自己的形像,作一个基本的整合。

6.Every evening, the bank deletes whatever remains of the sum that you failed to use during the day.每天晚上都清除你在这一天没有花完的账户余额。

7.Theft of such a staggering sum might seem unpkely, but U. S. officials aren't rupng it out.盗窃这样一比数目大得令人吃惊得资金看似不可能,但美国官员并不排除这种可能。

8.The lengthy negotiation period between COSL and Awilco suggests no-one else was prepared to cough up a comparable sum.中海油服和Awilco之间漫长的谈判周期表明,没有第三方愿意参与竞购。

9.The last Xbox was a powerful piece of kit that appealed mainly to hard-core gamers, but it has lost Microsoft a considerable sum of money.Xbox360是一成套强有力的工具,主要用来吸引对手的老客户。开发这套游戏耗费了微软一大笔钱。

10.A trainee also has his own moral duty to serve for the country of his origin as the country has spent huge sum of money for his education.一个新人有他自己的道德义务,既然国家将大笔支出用于他的教育,那他就应该为自己的国家服务。