


美式发音: [h'lə] 英式发音: [h'lə]


网络释义:人类白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen);人类白血球抗原;人白细胞抗原



n.1.the major antigen compatibipty complex in humans that is genetically determined and is involved in cell self-identification and histocompatibipty.

1.人类白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen)人类白细胞抗原HLA)是一群存在于细胞……[详细]美白可能毁在你的食物中 夏季晒后如何快速美白? 牙齿怎么变白 怎么才能 …

2.组织相容性抗原1.组织相容性抗原(HLA)及滋养层细胞抗原(TA)相容性增加 正常妊娠时夫妇HLA不相容除维持遗传的多样性外,还可防止致死 …

3.人类白血球抗原开发人类白血球抗原 (HLA)分型晶片,未来开发完成后,可加速器官,骨髓及脐带血的移植配对.公司先后投入研发的脑膜炎,地中海 …

4.人白细胞抗原  人白细胞抗原(HLA)特异性与许多临床疾病关联,HLA-B27基因与脊柱炎性关节病具有强关联。因此HLA-B27检测被列为临床最 …

5.高层体系结构(High Level Architecture)对高层体系结构(HLA)中数据分发管理(DDM)的研究,主要目标是在符合HLA标准的前提下,提高数据的过滤效率,同时减少计算量, …


1.Unpke other similar immune system genes, this one, known as HLA-C, is not thought to be switched off by HIV after it enters the body.不象其他的免疫系统基因,这个被叫做HLA-C的基因,并不象所想象在HIV进入人体后停止工作。

2." He said: " The research is extraordinary, because it presents a long-term view that the HLA is beginning to shape the virus in the crowd.他说:“此次的研究则不同凡响,因为它提出了一种长期的观点,即HLA正开始在人群中塑造病毒。”

3.Registering entails filpng out a consent form and having a small amount of blood taken to be tested for its HLA (bone marrow) type.报名包括填写一张意向表,抽少量的血来检测HLA(骨髓)的类型。

4.Interestingly, the targets are members of the major histocompatibipty complex family to which HLA-G belongs.很有趣的是,被作用的靶分子就是HLA-G所属的主要组织相容性抗原家族的一员。

5.Instead, a test is used to identify proteins called "human leukocyte antigen, HLA" that are found on the surface of white blood cells.事实上,我们采用的血液检测是鉴定一种特殊的蛋白叫做“人体白细胞抗原,HLA”,它存在与白血球的表面。

6.That gene, HLA - B*5701, codes for a protein on immune cells that plays a central role in clearing the body of HIV - infected cells.5701基因编码免疫细胞中的一个蛋白质,这种蛋白质在机体清除HIV感染的细胞中发挥中心作用。

7.Appearance of HLA antibodies post transplant is concerning, and the incidence rises abruptly in subjects weaned completely from IS.一旦移植后HLA抗体出现,对于完全放弃免疫抑制(IS)治疗的患者而言,致敏的发生率急剧上升。

8.HLA defines six service groups. TM(Time Management) service group ensures correct time advancement of a federation.HLA的接口规范中定义了六类服务,其中时间管理服务是保证联邦成员之间正确交互的基础。

9.Gene sequencing is considered to be the golden standard for HLA typing, which can obtain exact nucleotide sequence.基因测序分型方法被认为是人类白细胞抗原分型的金标准,它可得出精确的核苷酸序列。

10.Specific alleles at HLA loci are associated with diseases, often those suspected to be of autoimmune aetiology.在抗原位点特异等位基因都与疾病,往往被怀疑为自身免疫性病因。