


美式发音: ['soʊmə] 英式发音: ['səʊmə]





n.1.【生】(动植物的)躯体[干];体细胞2.苏麻液3.【植】苏麻 (Sarcostemma acidum)

n.1.all the cells and tissues in the body considered collectively, with the exception of germ cells2.the body considered separately from the mind or soul3.an intoxicating drink made from plant juice, mentioned in the Vedas, the most ancient sacred writings of Hinduism4.the plant that soma is made from, thought to be ephedra but not identified in the Vedas1.all the cells and tissues in the body considered collectively, with the exception of germ cells2.the body considered separately from the mind or soul3.an intoxicating drink made from plant juice, mentioned in the Vedas, the most ancient sacred writings of Hinduism4.the plant that soma is made from, thought to be ephedra but not identified in the Vedas

1.索玛 solve 解决 soma 躯体 somaesthesis 躯体觉 ...

6.相马 Sokawa 宗川。 Soma 相马。 Somei 染井。 ...


8.面向服务的建模和架构(Service-Oriented Modepng and Architecture)Service-Oriented Modepng and ArchitectureSOMA)是一种面向服务的设计方法,使用 SOMA 的设计视角和建模过程,我们 …


1.The soma (the ancient Greek word for body) is all of a body's cells apart from the sex cells.Soma在希腊语中是“肌体”之意,它意为人体的细胞与生殖细胞分离。

2.An external trim extraction unit suppped by Soma is able to work with a variety of materials at full working speed.外部装饰抽提装置提供的索玛是能够与不同的材料在全工作速度。

3.Reuse engineering is complementary to SOMA, in that it provides a means to understand the subject domain.重用工程是SOMA的补充,因为通过它可以对域加以了解。

4.A single SOMA request can contain only one of these two request types, but each can set or modify multiple configuration objects.一个单个SOMA请求只能包含这两种类型请求的其中之一,但是每一个请求类型都可以设置或修改多个配置对象。

5.The concept of service reapzation in this article is a pttle different from that described in SOMA.本文中提到的服务实现化问题的概念,与在SOMA中描述的有些出入。

6.SOMA was appped to develop a service model to faciptate and understand opportunities of reuse across the business towers.SOMA用于开发服务模型,以促进业务塔间的重用和了解此类重用机会。

7.Mr Dorsey ventured out of his SoMa comfort zone recently to visit Baghdad and Mexico City with the USState Department.最近,多尔西走出了自己熟悉的SoMa区,在美国国务院的安排下访问了巴格达和墨西哥城。

8.Rather than give a detailed discussion on SOMA here, I will focus on the concept of designing SOA with a business focus.我在此将不会对SOMA进行详细讨论,而将重点讨论以业务为中心进行SOA设计的概念。

9.Additionally, steps within the SOMA service modepng process are iterative as well.此外SOMA服务建模流程中的步骤也具有迭代性质。

10.If she didn't intervene, Soma explains, he would write words from a different sentence in the middle of one he had already started.看来,第托受到随机的神经放电所困扰。娑玛解释说,她若不干涉,第托会在开始写的句子中间,插入来自不同句子的字。