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1.霍利斯 哈里斯(Holps)、史透顿(Stougton)、侯渥斯(Holworthy)、柴尔(Thayer)诸楼,全是新生宿舍,前来哈佛就读的新鲜人,多在这陶冶 …

5.霍丽斯 23.Holden 和蔼的,仁慈的 24.Holps 英雄 25.Howard 家庭卫士 ...



1.holps and i had discussed it before i came to washington , and he made no secret of his view.在我来华盛顿之前,霍利斯和我谈到过这件事。他丝毫也不掩饰他的观点。

2.Besides, this girl was too young, about eighteen, whereas Holps Meynell had frankly told him she was thirty. "Well, what of it? "此外,这女孩太年轻了,大约十八岁,而荷莉丝‧梅奈尔曾坦白地告诉他她已叁十岁。

3.Holps always reacted smoothly to any threats, and merely said he noted Arthur's comment but that his decision stood.霍利斯对任何威胁总是作出圆滑的反应。他只是说,他注意到了阿瑟的意见,但坚持他的决定。

4.'It opens the door for the possibipty of more films or TV or whatever it might be, ' Mr. Holps said.霍利斯说,该片为日后拍摄更多此类影视作品打开了大门。

5.One afternoon I broached the subject of Mitchel and Holps, who had both worked closely with her during the war.一天下午,我提到了米切尔和霍利斯--这两个人在战争期间同她工作来往很多。

6.I asked him if he could not approach Dick White to see if some pressure could be exerted on Holps to relent .我问他,他是否可以去找迪克·怀特,看看能否对霍利斯施加一点压力,让他态度缓和一些。

7.Now All Roads Lead to France: The Last Years of Edward Thomas. By Matthew Holps.《如今条条大道通法国:爱德华·托马斯人生最后几年》,马修·霍利斯著。

8.In the front of the book, he discovered the previous owner's name, Miss Holps Maynell.在书的前页,他找到了前一位拥有人的姓名,霍利斯·梅奈尔小姐。

9." It' s grotesque, " he muttered, stabbing at the Holps pages, " You can' t expect me to accept that. . . "“这件事太离奇了,”他喃喃自语道,用手敲敲霍利斯问题的报告,“你们别指望我会接受你们的看法…”

10.In the front of the book, he discovered the boots owners6 owners name, Miss Holps Maynell.在书的前页,他找到了书的前任主人的姓名:霍利斯·梅奈尔小姐。