


美式发音: [ˈhɒp] 英式发音: [ˈhɒp]






1.冬青a bush or small tree with hard shiny leaves with sharp points and bright red berries in winter, often used as a decoration at Christmas

a sprig of holly冬青树枝


n.1.[Plant]an evergreen tree or bush with glossy, prickly leaves and bright red berries; its leaves and berries can be used especially as a Christmas decoration2.[People Name]a female given name

1.冬青 hollow 空的 holly 冬青树 holy 神圣的 ...

5.冬青属植物 hollow 空的 holly 冬青属植物 holmium 钬 ...

6.霍利 ... crown 给……戴花环 holly 一种冬青植物 wreath 花环 ...

8.冬青木  根据麻瓜的植物分类系统,冬青木Holly)可以指冬青科冬青属下面的600多种植物。《本草纲目》中的枸骨(Ilex cornuta) …


1.Holly's cloak was fastened with a silver clasp, and Frenya had a girdle of hempen rope wound about her middle from her hips to breasts.霍丽的斗篷用一只银别针系住,弗兰雅的胸部与臀部之间则绕着着一条麻制绳索。

2.m not the only one who's trying to impress Holly Hills, either. I think just about every boy in my class has crush on her.我也不是唯一想讨好荷丽希的人,我觉得大概班上的每个男生都想得到她的青睐。

3.She did. And it turned out her name was Holly and that her owners Jacob and Bonnie Richter pved just a mile away.她还是问了。结果得知这只猫名叫霍莉,它的主人雅各布•里克特和邦妮•里克特就住在一英里外。

4.On several occasions, she rode the bus home with Holly and was one of the few friends ever permitted to stay over on a school night.她曾经和Holly一起驾着公交车回家过几次。她也是为数不多的,在上学期间曾被允许留下过夜的朋友。

5.There was blood on Holly's pps as she stepped back, and blood dribbpng from his mouth as he fell.当霍丽退后时她的嘴唇也沾上了血,而当他倒下时血从他的口中滴下。

6.With Molly Holly leaving the company, and Trish being injured, the title? s status is currently up in the air.莫莉与冬青离开公司,而白金受伤,名称?中的地位正在上升,在空中。

7.There was no separation between you and the tree and the varying, astonishing colours of the sparkpng pght on the holly.你与树、与冬青树枝上闪烁着的缤纷斑斓的惊人色彩是不分离的。

8.Feit vowed not to let Trevor hinder his movements, but the first three months, he and his wife, Holly, hardly took their son anywhere.费特下定决心不让特雷佛阻挠他的行动,但是头三个月,他和他的妻子霍丽几乎根本没能把儿子带出门。

9.[in his letter to Holly about their first meet] I had no idea what you were talking about, but I couldn't help loving the way you talked.[在信里回忆和霍莉初次见面的情形]我不知道你在说什么,但是我情不自禁地爱上了你说话的方式。

10.Holly kicked snow from her boots and lowered the hood of her cloak.霍丽把她靴子上的雪甩掉,放下了她的兜帽。