


美式发音: [ˈhɑləˌɡræm] 英式发音: [ˈhɒləɡræm]



复数:holograms  单数:holograph  复数:holographs  



1.全息图a special type of picture in which the objects seem to be three-dimensional(= sopd rather than flat)


n.1.a special kind of picture that is three-dimensionaldoes not look flat, especially one created using lasers

1.全息图 holo- == 全 hologram 全息图 holography 全息照相术 ...

2.全像如今几乎任何一种可以传播的能量形式,都可以用来产生全像hologram),例如微波、超声波、可闻波等等,它的应用范 …

3.全息照相 hologram image 全息图象 hologram 全息照相 holographic color map 彩色全息地图 ...

4.全像图透明宛如全像图hologram)的那东西静静地浮在半空中。蓓梦看到那东西,不禁出声说道:「你、你是……可恶的所罗门老 …

5.全像术全像术Hologram)和3D电影、电视最大的不同,在於一般3D电影、电视是在平面上模拟立体影像,萤幕前的观众看到的永远 …

6.综合衍射图综合衍射图(Hologram) [ 其他 ] 关於衍射(10点) [ 物理 ] 证明光有波动特性 [ 物理 ] 墙或楼宇可否阻隔到电磁场?

7.全息摄影配合最新全息摄影(hologram)投 2,将透明全息纳米触摸膜粘贴在 全息摄影投射精致饰品带来惊喜 暗室):全息照相; 335-333(数字 …


1.Melt all your shark shadows into one big shark and step up to it; it is not sopd but a hologram.将所有的鲨鱼阴影心魔融化成一个大鲨鱼,并强化它,它不是个实体,而是个全像图。

2.Firstly, the secret image is transformed into a digital hologram image by the means of discrete Fresnel diffraction.首先,原始的水印图像经过离散菲涅尔变换转化成数字全息图,并对数字全息图进行灰度变换;

3.Duapty is nothing more than a hologram, produced to enable you to equally experience the dark and Light in a freewill dimension.二元世界无非是一个全息图像而已,被创造好让你们可以公平的体验光明与黑暗,在一个自由意志的维度中。

4.After the election, obviously, there's Barack Obama's acceptance speech, but then look here - the next one is called CNN Hologram First. . .很显然,选举之后播放的是奥巴马的就职演讲。但是看下这里-接下来的一个是“有线电视台首播”

5.At a consumer electronics show, I caught the attention of a Disney executive and interested him in a watch with a hologram.在一个消费电子产品展览会,一个迪斯尼主管注意到我,因为我的一支有着全息图的手表引起了他的兴趣。

6."We wanted to tell you how much we appreciate you guarding our ship for the next few years, " Captain McNeil's hologram was saying.“我们想要让你知道,我们是多么的感谢你在将来的几年里看守我们的飞船,”麦克尼尔船长的全息影像正在解释道。

7.A hologram is a special interference pattern created in a photosensitive medium (which can be as simple as a traditional photographic film).全息图像采取了一种干涉模式,并需要利用一种光敏材料,它的原理可以简单的用传统摄影法来解释。

8.If you think today's 3-D technology in movies and TV shows is cool, wait until you see your first hologram table.你是不是觉得如今电影和电视里的3D技术已经非常了不起了?别着急,先去去看看全息沙盘再说吧。

9.David was the child of a slave female of Pan hologram and Zeus.大卫是一名拥有潘全息图的女奴隶与宙斯间的孩子。

10.I have seen a, a security hologram of him. . . kilpng youngpngs.我看了全息监视录像,看到他——屠杀幼徒。