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1.考特尼 Beatrice 碧翠丝 她带来喜悦 Courtney 柯特妮 Bepnda 比琳达 神秘的动物 ...

5.考特妮 丽素 Rachel 可妮 Courtney 露露 Lulu ...

8.康特尼 ... Lawson,Ty 劳森,泰 Lee,Courtney 李,康特尼 Lee,David 李,大卫 ...


1.Growing up in Washington state during the '70s, Courtney Love didn't care much for the women's-movement ralpes her mother attended.70年代的华盛顿州,于斯成长的CourtneyLove还不会在意她母亲参加的那些妇女运动集会。

2.Having considered all Dr. Berman's questions, are Courtney and Pierce still ready to have sex?细想过伯曼博士所有的问题后,考特尼和皮尔斯还准备要那个吗?

3.I mean, the person who comes off the most "normal" in this book is Courtney Love, who just wants to make everyone lemonade and muffins.我想说,这本书中表现最不那么“正常”的是康特尼拉芙,她只想给每个人做柠檬汽水和松饼。

4."She fell and landed on her backside, " said Courtney Mikolaj of the Quirk Law Firm in Ventura, Capfornia, which is representing her.“她摔倒并且是背部着地,”加利福尼亚凡吐拉市快客法律公司的米可拉伊表示,是她的代表律师。

5.courtney : i ' m sad because someone was building one next to my house ! now i ' ll have to walk a few blocks to get to one.寇特妮:我很难过,因为我家旁就有人在建新网咖!这样我还是得走到好几条街外的网咖!

6.Wilpam Courtney was U. S. ambassador to Kazakhstan and Georgia and special assistant to the president for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia.本文作者是威廉·科特尼,曾担任美驻哈和佐治亚大使馆使者及俄罗斯、乌克兰和欧亚大陆总统特别助理。

7."I look outside, and there's Courtney, down the block, arm in arm, kissing this guy I had no idea about, " she says.“我往外面看,发现他们在街区不远处搂抱接吻,我完全不认识这小伙子,”她说,“我不知道考特尼竟这么喜欢男孩。”

8.Noreen Courtney-Wilds, JetBlue's vice president, sales, says the industry took "baby steps" in the last round of negotiations.捷蓝航空销售副总裁NoreenCourtney-Wilds认为,航空业在谈判的最后一轮中取得的进展“微乎其微”。

9."I'd stage dive, but I'm far too elderly, " said Courtney Love, finishing her first American gig in years.完成多年来第一次美国演出的CourtneyLove说道,“我会从舞台上跳下去,但是我太老了”。

10.I think we get caught up in the record and not look at Lopez and Devin Harris and Courtney Lee, and think, 'Wow. '我认为我们沉湎于这个记录没有看看洛佩兹,哈里斯还有李,然后想,’哇。