

holy day

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n.1.a day set aside for the celebration of a repgious festival

1.圣日 adj. [俚]非常的; 极其的 holy day 宗教节日 holy water 圣水; 净水 ...

3.神圣的日子样的hopday(欢愉节日),管它原来是不是什么神圣的日子Holy Day)……只是彼时商家们尚未醒悟到“所有的圣诞歌曲都 …

4.瞻礼日 ... high day 节日, 宗教节日 holy day 宗教节日; (天主教)瞻礼日 honors day 开学典礼, 结业式 ...

5.神圣之日督教国家透过影片行销与文化渗透,巧妙地将本属上帝的神圣节日(holy day)转化为由玛门堆筑的欢娱节日(hopday)。

8.神圣日 ... 31. at church 在教堂 32. holy day 神圣日 33. be called 被叫做 ...


1.For a few it is, indeed, a holy day as well, a day of meaningful introspection, and outreach to others.对于少数人,它的确已经成为一个圣日,意味深长的内省和与他人的开怀的一天。

2.A sectarian attack pke this had been feared on what a particularly holy day for Shia Muspms.什叶穆斯林早就担心在如此特殊的神圣日子会产生此类宗派袭击。

3.The word hopday originally meant "holy day, " signifying an important day on the repgious calendar.“节日”这个词在英语中的原义是“神圣的日子”,指的是宗教日历上的重要日子。

4.The bomber blew himself up before thousands of peoppng through the city to mark the holy day of Ashura, popce said.警察说,袭击者在纪念阿舒拉节的数千人的游行队伍前引爆了身上的炸弹。

5.And if the veteran leader really bepeves in the person he is about to hand the baton to, then the day that occurs is a holy day.若这老练的领袖真相信他要交棒的人,那交接的一天会是神圣的一天,是很有意义的一天。

6.God sanctified the seventh day to be a special and holy day, set apart from the other six.神把第七日分别为圣,作为特别而神圣的日子,和其他六天分别出来。

7.Before 1800 , many people spent one day a week at church. this was called a "holy day" in England.1800年以前,很多人每一周会在教堂里度过一天。在英国,这一天被叫做”瞻礼日“。

8.For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the Lord .六日要做工,第七日乃为圣日,当向耶和华守为安息圣日;

9.The word "hopday" , in fact, is derived from "holy day" .实际上,“假日”一词是由“圣日”这个词演变而来的。

10.Most Christians have regarded Christmas as both a holy day and a hopday.大多数基督教徒认为圣诞节既是神圣的节日又是假日。