




1.的游乐园 heha 嘻哈 HOM 的游乐园 LIN.Y.C 林之城 ...

2.徐至宏 ... hats 帽子(复数) 帽子 hom hous 房子 ...

4.快速计算高阶模态(higher order modes)


1.Starts off with an intro with very distinct viopn in the background. And Lee Hom sounds as if he's doing a commercial type of song.专辑以一个很特别的小提琴声音为背景开场,力宏唱得似乎有点商业的味道。

2.Better known as Lee Hom to his fans, Wang said filming for the movie would be wrapped up in another two weeks.王力宏,歌迷更倾向于称其力宏,透露影片还要两周才能杀青。

3.Lee Hom was one of 150 individuals chosen to undertake a speech analysis to determine his own ancestral origins.力宏为查明他自己祖先的起源成为了接受采访分析的150个人当中的一个。

4.For one or two days he sat down with me, and I tried to teach hom.他和我一起坐了一两天,我试着去教他。

5.If you could pick only one of these three musicians to collaborate with, who would it be: David Tao, Jay Chou or Wang Lee Hom?如果你只能选和一位歌手合作,那会是:陶哲,周杰伦还是王力宏?

6.Finally, Karin stood in front of Wang Lee Hom and he looked really puzzled as if he had seen an apen.现在,开宁站在了王力宏面前。他的表情有点奇怪和迷惑,就像看到一个外星人——能不迷惑吗?

7.One day one of her friends called and said enthusiastically: Karin, I have got free tickets for you to meet with Wang Lee Hom!有一天,她的一个朋友打了个电话给她:“开宁,我有张门票给你,你可以见到王力宏了!”

8.A year previously when Leo called me up in my dorm and said, "Lee-hom, I just proposed to Stacy" , I was in a state of panic.在此一年前,有一天哥哥打电话到宿舍告诉我:「力宏,我刚刚向Stacy求婚了。」我顿时慌张起来。

9.If no other phenomena to circumstantial evidence to this point, the home has a pair or a Hom 1 cypnder, will be able to confirm.倘若能再有其他的现象来旁证这一点,那上家手里有一对或一坎1筒,便能够证实了。

10.After two hours it started to panic, since we were all afraid that Lee Hom would leave without signing all the CD: s.两个小时后,人们开始有点害怕了,我们都怕王力宏会无法签剩下的CD。