


美式发音: [ˈhɑmɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈhɒmɪdʒ]



复数:homages  同义词反义词





1.[u][c][ususing]~ (to sb/sth)敬辞;表示敬意的举动something that is said or done to show respect for sb

The kings of France paid homage to no one.法国国王不向任何人致敬。

He describes his book as ‘a homage to my father’.他说他的书是“献给父亲”的。

They stood in silent homage around the grave.他们恭敬地站在坟墓周围致默哀礼。


n.1.something that someone does or says in order to show respect or admiration; a way of showing respect to an artist, writer, musician, etc. by using their style or ideas in your own work; a formal speech or action by which people show their loyalty to a king or leader

1.敬意 honor( 荣誉,光荣); homage( 尊敬,敬意); hymn( 赞美诗,圣歌…

2.尊敬 honor( 荣誉,光荣); homage尊敬,敬意); hymn( 赞美诗,圣歌…

3.效忠 holy 神圣的 homage 效忠 home 家园 ...

4.崇敬 rummage 翻寻 homage 效忠,崇敬 plumage 羽毛 ...

5.致敬 118.有气质的 Refined 119.敬意的 Homage 120.优质的 Excellent ...

7.礼敬 7.Stanzas of the Triple Gem( 三宝礼赞) 1.Homage( 礼敬) 3.The Three Jewels( 三宝) ...

8.臣服 homage 臣服,尊敬的意思。 homage 就是恭敬,臣服。 ...


1.Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him. Falpng on their knees, they paid homage to him.又拿一根苇子打他的头,吐唾沫在他脸上,屈膝拜他。

2.In a Lostpedia interview, one of the show's producers confirmed that this was indeed a homage to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.的数字也是42。在迷失百科全书的采访中,此剧的一个制片人确认了此事,这确实是在向《银河系漫游指南》致敬。

3.President Morales said he had come to pay homage to the Indian fighters for independence born in the region.总统说,他来到这里是为了向拉丁美洲独立战争中的在该地区出生的印第安战士表达敬意。

4.The organic pathway, as she told us, was a biological homage to her creators; the crystalpne pathway is where she bepeves her future pes.她告诉我们有机路径是对她创造者的生物献礼;晶体路径则是她所信仰未来的存在之道。

5.She said smugly, knowing perfectly well that he, along with everybody else, did homage not to her but to her money.她得意地说:心里很清楚无论是他还是别人,他们都不是向她表示敬意而是为了她的钱。

6.nano-(T. "homage" ). Often used in the beginning of a song to pay homage to a buddha, deity, or teacher.南无。(顶礼)常用在歌曲之首句以表对佛陀、本尊或上师的尊敬。

7.Now Chinese collectors are beginning to acquire them as homage to the sophistication and commercial acumen of their forebears.而时至今日,中国收藏家正开始收购这些瓷器,以向先辈们的智慧与商业眼光致敬。

8.Even Robert had given her that much, when he came to her bed in his cups to pay her drunken homage with his cock.甚至是劳勃,当他手持酒杯走近她的床,醉醺醺地用他老二向她效忠时,也说过那么多次。

9.Beauty abounds in the black clouds that seem to pay homage to Table Mountain at all times.乌云沉沉带来的美感像是对桌山敬意。

10.'Let us hope so, ' said the uncle. ' Detestation of the high is the involuntary homage of the low. '“但愿如此,”叔父说,“对高位者的仇恨是卑贱者不自觉的崇敬。”