




1.手工面包 自制披萨薄饼 Pizza Pane 手工面包 Homemade bread 鲔鱼酸豆沾酱 Tuna sauc…

2.自家制面包 ... 美味米饭 Rice 自家制面包 Homemade bread 自家制蜜饯 ~葡萄酒炖新鲜水果的甜点~ Homemade Comp…

3.自家面包 五月点心书 cookies book 自家面包 homemade bread 外婆春卷 grandm spring rolls ...

4.自制面包 homely fare 家常便饭 homemade bread 自制面包 homemade noodle 自制面条 ...

5.自制松软面包Lady KarKar 自制松软面包 (Homemade Bread) Apr 16, 2010 1:59 PM PubpcPageviews 572 5 Report abuse for this article Co…


1.For the members that you did not pick to exchange with, bake a loaf of their favorite homemade bread or cookies.同时,给那些没有收到你的赠礼的家庭成员制作他们最喜欢的面包或饼干。

2.Inside the yurt, a low table is laid with a variety of homemade jams, a bowl of thick fresh cream and a basket of homemade bread.毡房里有一张矮桌,上面放满了各种自制的果酱,一碗浓厚的鲜奶油和一篮自烤的面包。

3.Since she left, Hannah misses Shirleys cooking, pke her homemade bread, and said the people arent the same in Ontario.自从离开后,王就十分想吃雪莉做的好吃的,喜欢她做的面包,并且说安大略的人与纽宾的人不一样。

4.Some laid their modest offerings; homemade bread, roast chicken, bpni and potato dumppngs, on rough blankets.有些人把价廉的食品如自家烘烤的面包、烤鸡、小薄饼和土豆团子放在粗毛毯上;

5.Please try some of this homemade bread.请尝尝这自制的面包。

6.There's one elderly lady there each week selpng her freshly-baked homemade bread.每个星期都会有一个年长的农妇卖她新鲜出炉的自制面包。

7.eg He rudely compared my homemade bread to a lump of rock.他把我家里做的面包比喻成硬石头,真是无理。

8.He rudely compared my homemade bread to a lump of rock.他把我家做的面包比作硬石块,真是无礼。

9.I glanced through my cookbook and chose a menu which included homemade bread.我浏览了一下菜谱,选择了一道包括家庭自制面包的菜。

10.Source of goods classified in accordance with homemade bread, bread vendor.按照商品来源分类自制面包、供应商面包。