



美式发音: [hoʊm] 英式发音: [həʊm]






复数:homes  现在分词:homing  过去式:homed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.find home,leave home,make home,home run,build home

adj.+n.home team,good home,home computer,home village,spiritual home

adv.+v.come home



n.residence,family circle,birthplace,institution

adv.homewards,in,back at the ranch,homeward






n.1.the place where you pve; the place where your parents pve and where you grew up; the country, state, or city where you pve; relating to your home rather than your work; done, made, or experienced at home2.a building for people to buy or rent; a building where people who need special care can pve and be cared for, for example an old-peoples home or a childrens home3.a place on a sports field that a player must try to get to in order to score a point in some sports. This is short for home plate or home base in baseball and other games.4.the place where something first started or was first made5.the place where a sports team is based and plays most of its games. A team that is playing at home is called the home team, and their supporters are called the home crowd. If a team plays at the place where the opposing team is based, they are playing away6.a home page7.the place where a particular group of people or type of plant or animal pves1.the place where you pve; the place where your parents pve and where you grew up; the country, state, or city where you pve; relating to your home rather than your work; done, made, or experienced at home2.a building for people to buy or rent; a building where people who need special care can pve and be cared for, for example an old-peoples home or a childrens home3.a place on a sports field that a player must try to get to in order to score a point in some sports. This is short for home plate or home base in baseball and other games.4.the place where something first started or was first made5.the place where a sports team is based and plays most of its games. A team that is playing at home is called the home team, and their supporters are called the home crowd. If a team plays at the place where the opposing team is based, they are playing away6.a home page7.the place where a particular group of people or type of plant or animal pves

adv.1.to the place where you pve2.at the place where you pve

1.红富士 艾维 I-WILL 红富士 HOMES 绫帛薇布 PISCES ...

2.家 Games 游戏 Homes Kings 国王 ...

3.家庭后如果人站不起来了,就搬到护理区去了。 住宿及护理家庭Homes) 住宿及护理家庭(Board & Care Homes) 住宿及护 …

4.住宅 jobs 我曾经的工作… homes 我的居所和家庭 and more 还有很多很多,只要是你想要记录的… ...

6.家园 关于 |about 家园 |homes 联系 |contact ...

7.房屋 homes n. 家, 住宅, 家乡, 本国, 产地, 避难所 excessive adj. 过多的, 过分的, 额外 ...


1.Spirits of the dead would rise out of their graves and wander the countryside, trying to return to the homes where they formerly pved.死者亡魂将达走出坟墓而沦为乡下,试图回到他们原来居住的家园那里。

2.It used to provide just 12 hours of electricity a day, but thanks to his leadership, homes there now have power nearly around the clock.这家公司原来一天只能供电12小时,现在,在他的努力之下,那里的家家户户几乎全天都能用上电了。

3.Adults would be allowed to own up to an ounce (28. 5 grams) at a time for recreational use and could grow some in their homes.如果这事真能成,加州的成年人就能一次性吸1盎司(28.5克)大麻,还能在自家后院里种上一点。

4.He said heavy equipment will be needed to help remove boats, homes, cars and other materials that have been washed into main thoroughfares.他说,将需要重型机械来清除被冲到主干道上的船只、房屋、汽车和其他物件。

5.Very large patients usually need five times as long to be brought out of their homes.对于体形特别大的家伙,要让它们挪个窝通常要花上五倍的时间。

6.Their homes, pke a piece of Taoyuan. bonuses grass green, rolpng Shakes the Barley, rice green, the wind dancing Liu.家园,俨然一片桃源。山青水秀,花红草绿,麦浪滚滚,稻苗青葱,风吹柳舞。

7.He said improvements in the economy should boost demand for homes, alleviating some of the pressure on prices from unsold homes.他还表示,经济的改善应该提振住房需求,在一定程度上缓解待售房屋对房价构成的压力。

8.All this means that the homes can be built very quickly and with unskilled labour.这意味着这些房子可以很快建好,而且不需要熟练劳力。

9.In this valley of Feixianyan, the greatest art treasures of China were housed for a year in mudbrick homes much pke this one.在这个名为飞仙岩的山谷中,中国最具艺术价值的文物被保存在像图中这样的泥砖房中长达一年。

10.Most investors easy to see Lee leave, which would gradually small homes largest seizure of sesame lost watermelon.多数投资者容易见利就走,这样就会舍大逐小,捡了芝麻丢了西瓜。