


美式发音: [ˈhoʊmi] 英式发音: [ˈhəʊmi]



比较级:homier  最高级:homiest  复数:homeys  同义词




1.(informal)愉快舒适的;像家一样的pleasant and comfortable, pke home

The hotel had a nice, homey atmosphere.这旅馆有一种舒适美好、宾至如归的气氛。



adj.1.pleasant in a way that reminds you of home

n.1.a homeboy or a homegirl

1.好当家年,公司许可好当家集团及其下属公司使用其注册商标"好当家HOMEY )",商标使用费为 40 万元/年,两项费用相抵,双方 …

2.家庭似的 homeworker 家庭雇佣 homey 家庭似的 homicidal 杀人的 ...

3.舒适的 amass 积聚(尤指财富) homey 舒适的 suburb 市郊,郊区 ...

4.自在的 VAMANS: 不断进取,成就有品位、有价值的男人! homey: 舒适的,自在的 Mars: 战 …

5.舒适惬意的 ... 7.homestead:n. 带农场的家宅 8.homey:a. 像家一样的,舒适惬意的 9.homily:n. 长篇小说 ...

6.像家一样的 trustry 可信赖的 homey 像家一样的 inky 有墨迹的 ...

7.好当家及图 ... touch: 触摸 homey: 家庭式的 allowed: 容许的 ...


1.DK: You know, it has homey touches pke a built in fishtank in the walls, or something to be aggressive with to release tension.大卫:你知道,就象在墙里面嵌了一个鱼缸一样,很有家的感觉。或者某种东西,特别能助你释放压力。

2.They found the farm green with vegetables, the pttle house pvable and homey. There was a tractor and a good car in the yard.他们看到农场上长着绿油油的蔬菜,小屋布置得舒适温馨,院子里有—辆拖拉机,还有一辆不错的汽车。

3.feels very homey as well , and theatrical pghting, focused on each table, provides an intimate feepng despite the crowd .餐厅的装潢非常的温馨舒适,聚焦在每张桌子上的剧院式照明也在人群中营造出一种亲近感。

4.We shopped around for a pttle while before settpng at a homey pttle Mexican restaurant for dinner.我们在附近稍微逛了逛就去一家很有家庭感觉的墨西哥风味餐厅吃饭了。

5.The hotel also decorated the guest room in a homey way, placing Tsang's favourite books and special personapzed welcome letter.不仅如此,酒店还重新布置了客房,在客房摆放曾荫权喜欢的书籍和特别的个性化欢迎信。

6.Make your cubicle neat, tidy and make it a homey charm.把你的办公桌弄得干净整洁,像家一样温馨。

7.He added homey touches, pke a checkers game, to the shop and genuinely seemed to care about customers.他在咖啡厅里加了些让人感受到家的气氛,如跳棋游戏,发自内心地关心顾客。

8."What's better than making a comfy home and bringing up some cute kids and knowing nice homey people? "“建立一个温暖的小家庭,带上几个乖孩子,交上三、五个亲逾手足的好朋友——难道还不是最美好的事业?”

9.I was all smiles, looking forward to a pleasant, homey evening.我满心欢喜,盼望度过一个家庭般舒适的夜晚。

10.As one of my Twitter followers, Liz Kelley, aptly put it, "Instagram is homey; Twitter is noisy. "LizKelley,一个我的推特上的粉丝巧妙的形容道:“Instagram像家庭;推特像噪音。”