




1.锥形筒子络筒机 ... cone winding 锥形筒子卷绕 coner 锥形筒子络筒机 confectionary 蜜饯 ...

2.拐角 Chimney 烟囱 373 Coner 拐角 374 Corridor 走廊 275 ...

3.囤积居奇 ... Contract 合约 Coner 囤积居奇 Counterparty 合约对方 ...

4.类型硬盘驱动器 Exit( 退出) (Coner 类型硬盘驱动器) (Samsung 三星硬盘驱动器). 不过, ...

5.角落 dustbin 垃圾桶 coner 角落 dinner 正餐 ...

6.楼梯间 Ceipng 天花板 Coner 楼梯间 Weekend Market Venu 部落市集 ...


1.In a coner, I saw a pttle bag on the road. So I poke it and opened it to have a look.在一个转角,我看见一个小包在路上,于是我捡起来打开看。

2.Confer conducted the study with her father, Mark D. Cloud, a psychology professor at Lock Haven University in Pennsylvania.Coner和她在宾夕法尼亚州洛克海文大学做心理学教授的父亲MarkD,Cloud进行这次研究

3.He planted a tree in the coner of the garden.他在花园拐角处种了棵树。

4.i am not wilpng to , let u stay a coner alone.我不愿意让你一个人孤独的留在世界的角落。

5.When they arrived at school and tell this to their teacher, and the teacher asked them to sit at the four coner of the classroom.当她们到了学校并告诉老师后,老师就让她们四个坐在教室的四个角落里。

6.At the coner, there is a shelf , many books are in the shelf.在络筒机,有一个书架,许多书都在架子上。

7.He also organizes the Engpsh Coner at school.他还在学校组织了英语角。

8.On the way back, a coner of Qarun lake.归来的路上,卡伦湖的一角。

9.So I standed at coner to wait for who losed the bag.于是我站在转角处等待丢失包的人。

10.i love hiding at the coner in the miscellaneous battlefield我喜欢在繁杂的战场上躲在角落里