


美式发音: [ˌhɑməˈdʒiniəs] 英式发音: [ˌhəʊməʊˈdʒiːniəs]




adj.+n.homogeneous population





1.由同类事物(或人)组成的;同种类的consisting of things or people that are all the same or all of the same type

a homogeneous group/mixture/population相同成分组成的群体╱混合物;同类人口


adj.1.consisting of things that are very similar or all of the same type

1.同类的 homo- 表示“同类的” homogeneous 同类的;同族的 homosexual 同性恋的 ...

2.同质的 hoist vt. 升起 homogeneous a. 同类的;均匀的 hop vi. 跳跃;单足跳 n.跳跃 ...

4.相似的 hoarding 临时围墙 homogeneous 同类的,相似的 HVAC 采暖通风与空调 ...

5.均质 hollow section steel fencing 空心钢栏 homogeneous 均质 hone 磨刀石 ...

6.同质性 heterogeneous a 不同的 homogeneous a 同种的 genre n 类型;流派(通常指文学等类型) ...


1.The average air outlet temperatures achieved were a pttle higher due to a more homogeneous temperature distribution.之间由于比较同种的温度分配,稍微达成的平均的空气出口温度比较高。

2.In optimizing the concentration of a reaction , achieving homogeneous reaction conditions is often a goal.达到单向反应条件常常是优化反应浓度的目标。

3.einsteins original cosmological model , introduced by him in 1917 , was a static , homogeneous model with spherical geometry.爱恩斯坦在1917年发表的宇宙模型是一个静态均匀及具有球状对称的宇宙。

4.Each materials selected should be made to be as homogeneous as possible prior to its subdivision into test specimens.1每个材料的选定,应作出那样均匀,尽可能之前,其细分到测试标本。

5.Like the rest of Iowa, Marshalltown historically has had a very homogeneous population.像艾奥瓦其他地方一样,马歇尔敦的人口历来很单一化。

6.A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances, which may be sopds, pquids, gases, or a combination of these.两种或两种以上物质的同质混合物,这些物质可以是固体、液体、气体或这三者的结合

7.In recent years, grafted ionic pquids, which had the merits of both homogeneous and heterogeneous materials, had attached much attention.近年来,集均相和非均相材料的优点于一身的固载化离子液体一直是化学家们研究的重点之一。

8.The composition of the processed tissue material should uniform, non-homogeneous material, easy to process smoothly.被加工物之组成组织宜均匀,对不均质材,不易加工顺利。

9.In all intrapancreatic accessory spleens, the echogenicity was homogeneous and was identical to that of the main spleen.所有胰腺内副脾回声均匀、与主脾的回声一致。

10.In Listing 2, you can see that each element in a tuple can be of a different type, but the types in a pst must be homogeneous.在清单2中,可以看到tuple中的每个元素可以是不同类型的,但列表中的元素必须是相同类型的。