


美式发音: [hɔːms] 英式发音: [həums]




n.1.【城】胡姆斯,叙利亚西部的一个历史古城2.【城】胡姆斯,利比亚西北部城市, 也写作Al khums或khoms

n.1.[City]a historic city in western Syria2.[City]Al khums; khoms, a city in northwestern Libya



3.霍姆斯市霍姆斯市Homs)旁的两座小镇拉斯坦(Rastan)和特尔卡拉(Tel Kalakh)时常设起路障,禁止政府军入镇。霍这座叙利亚 …


5.胡姆斯胡姆斯Homs),地名,①利比亚西北部城市。②即“霍姆斯”, 是叙利亚第三大城市,位于大马士革以北160米处。

6.叙利亚霍姆斯叙利亚霍姆斯(HOMS),2013年1月15日 —— 在叙利亚持续22个月的冲突期间,霍姆斯是战斗最激烈的几个地区之一,造成数 …

7.荷姆斯省伊德瑞斯老家在荷姆斯省Homs),也就是逊尼派穆斯林主导的起义最前线。联合军事指挥部的30名军事和文职人员在土耳其 …

8.叙利亚荷姆斯市她在叙利亚荷姆斯市Homs)作出的此生最后1则令人震撼报导中,描述了1名2岁男童死于弹片炸伤。柯文在荷姆斯接受英国 …


1.Much of the worst violence took place in the city of Homs, with film of it posted on a social media website.大部分最严重的暴力发生在霍姆斯市,一家社交媒体网站上发布了相关录像资料。

2.On April 18th thousands of demonstrators sat down in Homs's main square, which they renamed Tahrir (Liberation) Square, after the Cairo one.四月十八日,数千示威者在胡姆斯解放广场静坐,该广场曾仿效开罗解放广场而重新命名。

3."We were able to move a bit more freely, " said Maria Haddad, an activist in Homs reached via Skype.“我们的行动自由大了一点,”活动人士玛丽亚•哈达德(MariaHaddad)从霍姆斯通过Skype表示。

4.Protesters said the dead included an 80-year-old man shot near Homs as well as a young boy near Deraa, in the south.抗议者称死者包括霍姆斯的一名80岁老人,以及南部城市德拉的一个小男孩。

5.I entered Homs on a smugglers' route, which I promised not to reveal, cpmbing over walls in the dark and sppping into muddy trenches.我沿着一条走私路线进入霍姆斯,并承诺不向外界透露;我在黑暗中攀越墙壁,钻进泥泞的战壕。

6.Protests have taken place in several other Syrian towns, including Homs, Banias, Deir ez-Zor and even, in a small way, Damascus itself.叙利亚其他城镇也在进行小规模抗议,包括弘兹、巴尼亚兹、Deirez-Zor,甚至大马士革。

7.When protesters a few weeks ago strode through a Christian district near the centre of Homs, residents gave them water.几天前当示威者经过市中心附近的基督徒区时,当地居民给示威者提供水。

8.Although dissent simmers just below the surface, the ghastly scenes in Homs seen on television seem far away and almost unreal.尽管不同的政见就在表面之下蓄势待发,电视中所看到的哈马城的阴森景象却貌似遥远,近乎是不真实的。

9.Witnesses reported heavy government shelpng in the city of Homs Friday. Parts of Homs have come under government shelpng for weeks.目击者称,叙利亚政府于周五对霍默斯市进行了猛烈的炮击。霍姆斯市部分地区已经被政府炮击了数周。

10.It's unclear how Harmoush, a native of the pummeled yet fiercely resistant Syrian city of Homs, ended up in regime custody.目前还不清楚如何Harmoush,一个土生土长的痛宰尚未强烈抵制叙利亚城市霍姆斯,在政权保管结束。