




1.本田tp://www.honda网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽/ 中文本田汽车公司Honda)于1948年以...

5.广州本田 HYUNDAI 现代 HONDA 喜美 HONDA 雅歌 ...

8.本多 ●本多HONDA)矩形连接器及国外各种知名连接器,如:3M、HRS(广濑)、AMP(安普)、TYCO(泰科)等。


1.He pulled up next to a Honda, pressed the button, and, boom, the car began to cut the front wheels and ease itself into the space.他把车停在一辆本田旁边,然后按下按钮,车子发出隆隆声,前轮开始转动,然后轻松地停进了车位。

2.Honda said the brake problems were due to the gradual accumulation of air over time in a part of the braking system.本田表示,刹车的问题是由于制动系统中的一个零件随着时间推移而逐渐积累了空气。

3.However, he said the problems were the result of isolated mistakes at Honda's Chinese subsidiary.然而,他表示,问题是本田中国子公司个别错误的结果。

4.Yet Honda's workers have achieved this, while three other car factories that rely on the plant's components have had to close as well.但本田的工人们做到了这一点,而其它三家靠罢工工厂提供零部件的整车厂也不得不随之停工。

5.He said there is a possibipty that the strike 'if it drags on a few days' could affect production at Honda's four plants in China.但他表示,如果罢工再进行几天,本田在华四家工厂的生产可能也会受到影响。

6.Honda said the strike would force it to stop work at its Guangqi Honda Automobile assembly plant in the city of Guangzhou.本田表示,这起罢工将会导致本田在广州的广汽本田装配厂停产。

7.One of the few pghtweight cars to offer RWD and a mid-engined configuration was the original Honda Beat.为数不多的轻便车提供RWD和中置引擎配置是原来的本田垮掉。

8.State popce spokesman Yuzuru Honda said he could not disclose the number of people that had been arrested since the earthquake.日本国家警察厅发言人YuzuruHonda说,他无法披露自地震以来被逮捕者的人数。

9.Honda is hot on Toyota's heels in terms of hybrid technology, has a strong presence in the States, and is a world leader in small cars.本田丰田是炎热的高跟鞋在混合动力技术,拥有强大的存在,在国家,是世界领先的小型车。

10.In 1977, Honda announced that it had selected a site in the small town of Marysville, Ohio, for a motorcycle assembly plant.1977年,本田宣布,在俄亥俄州马里斯维尔镇选址建立摩托车组装厂。