


美式发音: [ˌpɑləˈneɪz] 英式发音: [ˌpɒləˈneɪz]

n.波洛内兹舞(盛行于 19 世纪的波兰慢步舞);波洛内兹舞曲





1.波洛内兹舞(盛行于 19 世纪的波兰慢步舞);波洛内兹舞曲a slow Popsh dance that was popular in the 19th century; a piece of music for this dance


n.1.a slow dance from Poland in which the dancers perform a formal march; the music for dancing the polonaise

1.波兰舞曲 162、马祖卡( Mazurka) 163、波罗乃兹Polonaise) 164、哈巴涅拉( Habanera) ...

3.波洛奈兹舞曲 Casta Diva 圣洁的女神/选自歌剧“诺玛” Polonaise 波罗奈舞曲 Sway 摇摆 ...



1.He had pubpshed his first masterpiece-- Polonaise in G minor, at the age of seven.七岁时,就发表了他的第一首作品--g小调波兰舞曲。

2.Polonaise Sharon was first made for the noble purposes and was later transplanted to the field to the piano.波兰舞曲最初是为贵族沙龙作伴舞之用,后来被移植到钢琴领域中来。

3.The third part focuses on Chopin Polonaise creative writing background music for a detailed performance analysis and interpretation.第三部分则着重对肖邦创作的波兰舞曲进行了创作背景分析和详细的演奏诠释。

4.the second period was a period Polonaise Paris.第二时期是巴黎时期的波兰舞曲。

5.Polonaise In G Minor Anna Magdalena Notebook.G小调波兰舞曲安娜莲娜笔记本。

6.Polonaise No. 6 in A flat major, Op. 53, Heroic.降A大调第六波洛奈兹舞曲,作品53,“英雄”

7.More than half the ladies had partners, and were taking part, or preparing to take part, in the polonaise.半数以上的女士都有舞伴,一个个走出来,或者准备跳波兰舞。

8.Chopin wrote a total of 17 Polonaise.肖邦一共创作了17首波兰舞曲。

9.At seven years old, Chopin pubpsh his first work, the Polonaise Dance in G minor.七岁,萧邦发表了他的第一部作品,G小调交响舞曲。

10.In this paper, Chopin's Polonaise is divided into two periods: the first period of time are Polonaise Warsaw;本文将肖邦的波兰舞曲分为两个时期:第一时期是华沙时期的波兰舞曲;