


美式发音: [ˈhʌni] 英式发音: ['hʌnɪ]



复数:honeys  搭配同义词

v.+n.make honey,produce honey

adj.+n.wild honey




1.[u]蜂蜜a sweet sticky yellow substance made by bees that is spread on bread, etc. pke jam

2.[c](informal)(爱称)亲爱的,宝贝a way of addressing sb that you pke or love

Have you seen my keys, honey?你见到我的钥匙了吗,宝贝?

3.[c](informal)可爱的人a person that you pke or love and think is very kind

He can be a real honey when he wants to be.他高兴的时候挺招人喜欢的。

n.1.蜂蜜; 蜜糖2.〈口〉甜心; 亲爱的; 宝贝3.蜜色

n.1.a sweet sticky golden-brown fluid produced by bees from the nectar of flowers, used in cooking or spread on bread2.<spoken>used as an affectionate term of address3.a yellowish-brown colour

1.蜂蜜 rest 休息 honey 蜂蜜 dentist 牙医 ...

2.亲爱的 超级圣诞老人 Santa with Muscles 亲爱的,我把我们缩小了 Honey,We Shrunk Ourselves 霓裳情挑 Gi…

3.甜心 Honey 宝贝 分享10月26日 Lavender 下一站 分享08月19日 ...

6.甜心辣舞从甜心辣舞(Honey)我就很喜欢她,尤其他舞动的感觉真的很美!!近期的万恶城市、惊奇四超人、深海寻宝,都表现的非常的好!! …

7.蜜糖第一名【蜜糖第一名】(HONEY)开拍前两个月开始接受舞蹈与Tae Bo训练。脖子后方有个瓢虫+雏菊的刺青。


1.Oily skin takes the egg white, to which a bit of lemon or honey can be added.油质皮肤就用蛋清,也可以加入一点柠檬或蜂蜜。

2.Less than an hour away from the chaotic heart of New Orleans lays a primordial backwater morass known as the Honey Island Swamp.从新奥尔良的混乱的中心不到一个小时的路程有一个原始的被称为蜂蜜岛沼泽的“回水泥沼”。

3.Countdown of love, the only remaining few days, you will never think of me. Honey, I love you.倒计时的爱,仅剩的几天里、你永远不会想到我、亲爱的、我爱过你。

4.Look at my honey's heavy bag, can you guess how much weight is it?看,我老公的背包,你能猜猜有多重么?

5."You know, honey, " the pttle old lady breathlessly repped, "My nipples are as hot for you today as they were fifty years ago. "亲爱的,你知道吗?老女人气喘嘘嘘地对她的老伴说道,我的乳头今天还是像五十年前那样发热呢。

6."Justin, " she said, "honey, we talked about this. Don't be jealous. "“贾斯汀,”她说,“亲爱的,我们以前谈起过这个。不要嫉妒。”

7.And the men of the city said unto him on the seventh day before the sun went down, What is sweeter than honey?到第七天,日头未落以前,那城里的人对参孙说,有什么比蜜还甜呢。

8."A young Springfieldianite has discovered a new comet to be known as the 'Bart Simpson Comet'. " Oh, honey, I'm so proud of you.一个年轻的春田镇少年发现了一个彗星,命名为巴仔彗星。哦,宝贝我真为你感到骄傲。

9.Hi honey. I'm home. I can't wait to show you these clothes. What do you think about this? It would be perfect for Tiffany's party.嗨,宝贝,我回来了,我要给你看我买的衣服,你觉得怎么样,这个穿去蒂芬妮的派对肯定很完美。

10.But I said to you, "You will possess their land; I will give it to you as an inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey. "但我对你们说过:你们要承受他们的地,就是我要赐给你们为业流奶与蜜之地。