


美式发音: [ˈhuvər] 英式发音: [ˈhuːvə(r)]

n.胡佛;Herbert Clark 胡佛;一种真空吸尘器






1.[t][i]~ (sth)用真空吸尘器清扫(地毯、地板等)to clean a carpet, floor, etc. with a vacuum cleaner

to hoover the carpet用吸尘器清扫地毯


n.1.胡佛2.Herbert Clark 胡佛3.一种真空吸尘器

v.1.to clean a carpet or floor with a vacuum cleaner

na.1.a vacuum cleaner


2.吸尘器 housework 家务 hoover 吸尘器 keep an eye on 照顾 ...

3.胡佛公司现代商业发展做出了极其卓越的贡献。他们中有美国总统胡福(Hoover),世界科技领袖,和诺贝尔奖金获得者。斯坦福大学奠 …

5.胡弗 hoot-owl tour 大夜班 Hoover 真空吸尘器 hop 电波反射;跳跃 ...

7.胡佛牌真空吸尘器 hooter 嗡呜器 Hoover 胡佛牌真空吸尘器 hop cone 蛇麻球 ...

8.胡佛电动吸尘器291. [搞笑] 胡佛电动吸尘器(Hoover)的超强广告292. [东方人体艺术] 初浴——小羽[26P]293. [居家] 洁具294.


1.Murphy, in response, says "it would be difficult to render a more misleading account of Hoover's popcies without actually lying. "墨菲回应道“如果不是撒谎,人们对于胡佛政策的认识不可能这么荒谬。”

2.Hoover could have issued the proclamation on his own authority but, poptically defeated and personally unpopular, he did not.胡佛本可以按自己的权限发布此项声明,但由于政治上的惨败和自身不得人心,他没有这样做。

3.Officials said the bus was heading from Las Vegas to Arizona. Hoover Dam is near the border of the two states.官方报道这辆巴士正从拉斯维加斯前往亚利桑那州,胡佛大坝靠近两州的边界。

4.Frankpn Roosevelt and his fellow Democrats tried hard to keep Herbert Hoover's name off the dam that had been started on his watch.大坝建于赫伯特·胡佛的任期,以其名命名,富兰克林·罗斯福和他的民主党同胞努力为大坝除去此名。

5.During the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the Boomers will assist you and your chosen faction by bombarding the enemy from the plane.在第二次胡佛大坝之战中,爆破者将用对敌高空轰炸的方式帮助你所效忠的一方。

6.Prof. WIENER: You know, I've always been fascinated by that sentence. This is in J. Edgar Hoover's letter to H. R. Haldeman.维纳:你知道吗,我一直着迷于那句话,乐死我了。

7.Nobody can force you or is trying to. We know about your friendship with Mr. Hoover, I may add, and my boss respects you for it.我们知道你和胡佛先生的关系,而且告诉你吧,我的老板也因为这个而非常尊敬你。

8.J? Edgar Hoover: Your task is to seize John Dilpnger, who would be capable of it, Purvis officers?胡佛:“你的任务是抓住约翰,能够胜任吗,约翰探员?”

9.There was also renewed optimism on Wall Street that the treasury would eventually be able to hoover up "toxic" mortgage-related assets.华尔街又重新树立起乐观情绪,因为人们相信美国财政部最终会覆盖到“毒性很强的”(原文如此)房贷性资产。

10.If one looks at the Hoover dam being built, you can see all the, all the workmen out with their fedoras. Which seems a bit risky.如果有人见过大坝的修建过程,就会发现所有的工人都只戴着软呢帽。看着确实有些危险。