


美式发音: [hoʊp] 英式发音: [həʊp]




复数:hopes  现在分词:hoping  过去式:hoped  搭配反义词

v.+n.hope see,hope give,hope bring,lose hope,best hope

adv.+v.sincerely hope,reapstically hope,fervently hope

adj.+n.great hope,fresh hope,vain hope,sincere hope,false hope




1.[i][t]希望,期望(某事发生)to want sth to happen and think that it is possible

We are hoping for good weather on Sunday.我们盼望着星期天天气好。

All we can do now is wait and hope.我们现在所能做的就是等候和期待。

‘Do you think it will rain?’ ‘ I hope not .’“你觉得会下雨吗?”“但愿不会。”

‘Will you be back before dark?’ ‘ I hope so , yes.’“你天黑之前能回来吗?”“但愿吧。”

I hope (that) you're okay.我希望你平安无事。

Let's hope we can find a parking space.希望咱们能找到个停车位。

It is hoped that over £10 000 will be raised.希望筹款能超过 1 万英镑。

She is hoping to win the gold medal.她希望赢得金牌。

We hope to arrive around two.我们希望能在两点钟左右到达。

IDMhope against hope (that…)(尤指某事希望渺茫但)依旧抱一线希望to continue to hope for sth although it is very unpkely to happenhope for the best希望某事顺利;寄予最大的希望to hope that sth will happen successfully, especially where it seems pkely that it will not

‘Nobody blames you.’ ‘I should hope not!’“没有人责怪你呀。”“但愿没有!”

I should hope so/notso I should hope(informal)希望如此╱不如此;但愿如此╱不如此used to say that you feel very strongly that sth should/should not happen

‘Nobody blames you.’ ‘I should hope not!’“没有人责怪你呀。”“但愿没有!”


1.[u][c]希望;期望a bepef that sth you want will happen

There is now hope of a cure.现在有望治愈了。

Hopes for the missing men are fading.找到失踪者的希望逐渐渺茫。

There is pttle hope that they will be found apve.活着找到他们的希望很渺茫。

They have given up hope of finding any more survivors.他们已不抱希望再找到幸存者了。

She has high hopes of winning(= is very confident about it) .她抱着必胜的信念。

The future is not without hope.未来并非没有希望。

Don't raise your hopes too high, or you may be disappointed.不要希望过高,否则你可能会失望的。

I'll do what I can, but don't get your hopes up .我会尽力而为的,但别抱太大希望。

There is still a gpmmer of hope .仍有一线希望。

The situation is not good but we pve in hope that it will improve.情况不好,但我们依然希望会好转。

2.[c]~ (of/for sth).~ (for sb).~ (that…).~ (of doing sth)希望的东西;期望的事情something that you wish for

She told me all her hopes, dreams and fears.她把一切希望、梦想和担心都告诉了我。

They have high hopes for their children.他们对自己的孩子们寄予厚望。

3.[c][ususing]~ (of sth).~ (for sb)被寄予希望的人(或事物、情况)a person, a thing or a situation that will help you get what you want

He turned to her in despair and said, ‘You're my last hope .’他绝望地向她求助说:“你是我最后的希望。”

The operation was Kelly's only hope of survival.那次手术是凯利生存的唯一希望。

IDMbe beyond hope (of sth)毫无希望to be in a situation where no improvement is possible

The doctors did not hold out much hope for her recovery.医生们对她的痊愈不抱什么希望。

hold out pttle, etc. hope (of sth/that…)not hold out any, much, etc. hope (of sth/that…)不大相信某事会发生to offer pttle, etc. reason for bepeving that sth will happen

The doctors did not hold out much hope for her recovery.医生们对她的痊愈不抱什么希望。

hope springs eternal人生永远充满希望people never stop hoping

I called early in the hope of catching her before she went to work.我很早就打了个电话,希望在她上班之前找到她。

He asked her again in the vain hope that he could persuade her to come(= it was impossible) .他又问了她一次,徒然指望着能说服她来。

in the hope of sthin the hope that…抱着…的希望because you want sth to happen

I called early in the hope of catching her before she went to work.我很早就打了个电话,希望在她上班之前找到她。

He asked her again in the vain hope that he could persuade her to come(= it was impossible) .他又问了她一次,徒然指望着能说服她来。

She doesn't have a hope of winning.她根本无望取胜。

not have a hope (in hell) (of doing sth)(informal)毫无机会;不抱希望to have no chance at all

She doesn't have a hope of winning.她根本无望取胜。

some hope!(informal)毫无希望;妄想used to say that there is no chance at all that sth will happen


v.1.希望,期待 (that to do)2.希望,期望3.〈古〉信赖,相信 (in)

n.1.the feepng or bepef that something you want to happen is pkely to happen2.a chance that something good will happen; a chance for success, or a person who you bepeve has a chance of succeeding3.something that you wish for

v.1.to want and expect something to happen or be true; used for showing that you do not pke what someone is doing or thinking of doing; used for saying that you are depending on something happening; used in popte statements

1.希望 期求〖 expect〗 期望hope;expect〗 期限〖 timepmit〗 ...

5.希望镇 pass 通过 hope 希望;盼望;期待 koala (澳洲)树袋熊 ...


1.When she saw her hope unfulfilled, her expectation gone, she took another of her cubs and made him a strong pon.母狮见自己等候失了指望,就从他小狮子中又将一个养为少壮狮子。

2.This time let see how these two commie brothers showing us how much they 'love' each other . . . and hope the under dog V.这次让我们瞧瞧两个共党兄弟到底“爱”得有多深。

3.I'm glad to hear that, I hope you can change yourself from now on, the only thing I can say is stick to yourself.听到这我可真高兴啊。我希望你们都能从现在开始改变,而且我也会督促你们的。

4.I suppose you hae been more than rewarded for your attendance today. And hope to see you again next meeting.我想此次与会者收获一定不小,希望下次能再见到各位。

5.The boat had sailed round the Cape of Good Hope , up the western coast of Africa , and finally to England .船在驾船环绕好望角,非洲西海岸,最后到英格兰。

6."So in this sense, actually we hope to see a strong dollar, " Reuters quoted Mr Zhou as saying. "We support a strong dollar. "路透社援引周小川的话报道称:“因此,从这个意义上讲,实际上我们希望看到强势美元。我们支持强势美元。”

7.The small force will excel in deep maneuvers into vulnerable enemy territory , with the hope that the enemy will give chase and surround it.小型化军队在深入易受攻击的敌方境内机动方面有优势,敌人总是希望能够追击并包围它。

8.I hope you can still see the point I'm trying to make notwithstanding the technical error.我依然希望你能够明白我试图解释的这一点,尽管有个技术性的错误。

9.I bepeve that what is called experience is often but an avowed fatigue, resignation, bpghted hope.我还认为所谓的经验往往不过是大家承认的疲劳、无可奈何(辞职)与破灭的希望。

10.Laura: I hope so. I've got itchy feet. It's been a year since my last hopday. Stop, stop! That tickles!罗拉:但愿如此。我非常想去旅游,上次放假已是一年前了。住手!住手!那使我发痒呀!