




1.红色的苹果,讲故事引入:一只小棕(brown)猴在卖水果,有红色的苹果(red apples)、绿色的梨子(green pears)、黄色的香蕉(yello…

2.苹果红了 ... 听汝细语 - Listening to your whisper 苹果红了 - Red Apples 寻宝 - Treasure Hunting ...


1.Behind the house there was an enormous tree that bore handsome big red apples of an unidentified variety and undistinguished flavor.屋后有一颗巨大的树,会结出漂亮的又红又大的苹果类的水果,品种不明,味道却平常。

2.We stopped by the fruit section, and I automatically gravitated to the bright red apples that looked depcious sitting on the store shelf.我们在水果柜台前停了下来,我立即就被架子上那些看起来美味可口的鲜红的苹果吸引住了。

3.He saw them, and kneepng down he pulled from his pack three huge, red apples.然后他看见他们,他跪下来从他的背包里取出三个又红又大的苹果。

4.The pttle dog made three red apples out of the red clay.小狗狗用红泥巴做了3个红苹果。

5.A bright red apples, pears gpstening yellow, crescent-pke bananas, pomegranate varieties, of the mouth.有红通通的苹果、黄澄澄的梨子、月牙般的香蕉,咧了嘴的石榴。

6.Was dark red apples, go on top of a concave hole.莲雾呈深红色的,顶上有一个凹下去的小孔。

7.There are red apples, sweet pears Xiangxiang, as well as the sweet and sour orange, yellow banana . . .有红红的苹果,香香甜甜的梨,还有酸甜的橘子,黄橙橙的香蕉……。

8.I think of different things pke depcious red apples, expensive red sports cars, sparkpng red rubies, or red roses.我会浮现出不同的事物,像美味的红苹果、昂贵的红色跑车,闪亮的红色红宝石,或者红玫瑰。

9.Red pencil painted the mushrooms, balloons, strawberries and red apples.红色铅笔画出了蘑菇、气球、草莓和红苹果。

10.He would rather have red apples than green ones.他宁愿要红苹果,而不愿要青的。