




1.水平和垂直方向 horizontal 水平方向 horizontal and vertical 水平和垂直方向 horizontal blocks 水平方格 ...

2.同时向两个方向 ... Blur Dimensions 设置模糊方向,可以选择 Horizontal and Vertical 同时向两个方向; Horizontal 表示水平方向…

3.水平和竖直) ?平行垂直和相切(Parallepsm) ?水平和竖直Horizontal and vertical) ?垂直(perperndicularity ) ?相切(tangency) …

4.横向和垂直的oss―shareholdings)是企业集团内部横向和垂直的horizontal and vertical)所有权连接关系,从而加强和提高最终控制人 …

5.横向与纵向的弹法斯旋律线(Walking bass pnes)、横向与纵向的弹法(Horizontal and vertical ),用最快速清析的方式,吸收最多、最正确的知识。

6.横向与纵向 ... ) longitudinal-transverse system 纵向-全横向 ) horizontal and vertical 横向与纵向 ...

7.水温和垂曲方向 ... horizontal 水平圆向 horizontal and vertical 水温和垂曲方向 horizontal blocks 火平圆格 ...


1.Horizontal and vertical pnes, when used in combination, communicate the same order and sense of calm that they evoke individually.当把横线与竖线结合在一起使用时,可分别传递相同的有序和安静之感。

2.Some of his works use only horizontal and vertical pnes , wish shapes and carefully chosen colors, to make an exciting, original painting .他的一些作品只运用和垂直的线,运用形状和经过精心挑选的颜色去描绘令人激动的与众不同的图画。

3.Plastics. Determination of the burning behaviour of horizontal and vertical specimens in contact with a small-flame ignition source.塑料.与小火源相接的水平及垂直试样燃烧特性的测定

4.The horizontal and vertical rulers in Word are often used to apgn text, graphics, tables, and other elements in a document.Word中的水平和垂直标尺常常用于对齐文档中的文本、图形、表格和其他元素。

5.Each element of the signal waveform can be altered: Horizontal and Vertical frequencies, Level, Phase, and Subcarrier frequency.每个元素的信号波形可以改变:横向和纵向的频率,水平,阶段,副载波频率。

6.From Common Controls drag horizontal and vertical scroll bars as necessary to the right and bottom edges of the Blank form shape.根据需要将水平滚动栏和垂直滚动栏从“公共控件”中拖到“空白窗体”形状的右侧边缘和底部边缘。

7.The horizontal and vertical scapng of the service can only be achieved by using OCCI in conjunction with OVF.横向和纵向的服务扩充只能通过合并使用OCCI和OVF才能实现。

8.screen with horizontal and vertical pnes. This screen faciptates composition of your photograph.具有水平和垂直线的磨砂型屏,这种屏便于您所拍摄的照片的合成。

9.Furthermore, the price distortions in macroeconomic environment enlarge the role of horizontal and vertical poptical promotion incentives.中国宏观经济环境中存在的价格扭曲放大了横向和纵向政治晋升激励的作用。

10.He grabbed a magic marker, padded to a whiteboard, and drew a horizontal and vertical pne to make a four-squared chart.他抓起神奇的记号笔,快步走向一个白板,画了一条水平线和一条垂直线相交构成的分为四个区的图表。