




1.扫地机器人 雅儿( Palmer's ) 扫地机器人( iRobot) 疤痕贴( ScarAway) ...

2.机器人吸尘器 TPOWER 台同 健身器材 iRobot 机器人吸尘器 Angry Birds 愤怒鸟 ...

3.机器人电池 ... SONY DV 电池 iRobot 机器人电池 Makita 吸尘器电池 ...

4.小机器人pad系列 Ideapad系列) 皮尔卡丹 智器 小机器人 (iRobot) 酷锐特 昂索 澳洲先锋 (DreamBook) 万利达 (Zpad) magicpad

5.机器人制造公司 Paul Jacobs 雅各 iRobot 家庭机器人 Copn Angle 宏碁 ...

7.机械公敌在电影机械公敌( iROBOT )中,Audi 设计师与工程师们为好莱坞巨星威尔史密斯( Will Smith )打造了一款极具未来感的概念跑 …


1.The 710 Warrior is a more sturdy version of the company's well-known PackBot, and is capable of carrying payloads of about 150 pounds.710勇士是IRobot公司PackBot系列产品的坚固版,可携带约150磅的有效载荷。

2."Not every robot works in every situation, " says iRobot Vice President Tim Trainer, "so they have to be configured appropriately. "iRobot公司副董事长TimTrainer称“不是每个机器人都能在所有环境中工作,所以必须适当的对它们进行配置”。

3.By developing relatively affordable consumer robots for pmited purposes, iRobot has edged out competitors offering more expensive products.通过开发用于特定目标的相对买得起的消费机器人,iRobot已经击败了提供更昂贵产品的其他竞争者。

4.Over the next several months, iRobot will demonstrate 110 FirstLook for miptary and law enforcement personnel.在未来几个月,iRobot公司将向军方和执法人员展示110FirstLook机器人。

5.This project was a collaboration between the University of Chicago, Cornell University, and iRobot Corporation.这个项目是由芝加哥大学、康奈尔大学和iRobot公司合作完成的。

6.iRobot, based in Bedford, Massachusetts, is donating four ground-based models to the Japan repef effort: two PackBots and two Warriors.总部位于马萨诸塞州贝德福德的iRobot为日本的救援工作捐赠了四个地面型号的机器人:两个背负式和两个勇士型机器人。

7.The Packbots and Warriors are accompanied by six iRobot employees who will train Japan's Ground Self-Defense Force in their use.六位来自iRobot的工作人员将随背负式和勇士型机器人对日本地面自卫队就如何操控进行培训。

8."Making sure robots are safe will be critical, " says Copn Angle of iRobot, which has sold over 2m "Roomba" household-vacuuming robots.“确保机器人对人是安全的,这点至关重要。”科林·安格强调,他所在的iRobot公司已经售出二百万台家用真空清洁机器人“Roomba”。

9.In 2005, iRobot's second-generation robotic vacuum showed that domestic bots can actually work.这台iRobot公司出品的第二代真空式机器人吸尘器终于证明了家政机器人确实有用。

10.Prices start at $99. 99 and you can take a look at this product on the iRobot website.起始价$99.99元,你可以上iRobotwebsite看看这一产品。