




1.星野 hcc1027- 许振卿 hoshino- 星野夏 jean0071- 郑琴桦 ...

4.星野正树吉田(Yosihda) A 安藤(Ando) H 星野正树(Hoshino)

5.火希那 【HOSHINO 火希那】夜光深海钓组6/0 南海子线钓组 大钩组 [hoshino 火希那] ...


1."It's nice to be independent, but it's very stressful, " Ms. Hoshino said, speaking through a cloud of hair spray and cigarette smoke.“能够独立很不错,但是压力太大了。”她说,透过一团喷发剂和香烟的烟雾组成的阴影。

2.Mr Hoshino now plans to give the professor a well-earned rest, and return to science fiction for a bit.现在,星宣先生计划让教授好好休息一下,而自己则暂时转向科幻小说的创作。

3."I engage with historical themes or folklore with a totally open mind and try to invent new theories, " explains Mr Hoshino.“处理历史题材或者民间传说时,我总是尽可能地开放思维,并创造出新理论”,星宣先生解释。

4.Mr Hoshino trained in classical Japanese painting, but abandoned it for his love of manga (which means "pictures run amok" ).星宣先生曾学习过日本传统画,但是却因为对漫画(意思就是“异想天开的画作”)的热爱而放弃了传统画创作。

5.But whether the euro will rise to its record peak of $1. 6040 hit last July is another matter, Hoshino said.但他指出,欧元兑美元是否会升至去年7月触及的纪录高位1.6040美元则是另一回事。

6.As the first of the sun's rays grazed the seas, Hoshino laid his son before the Spring Spirits.当日出的第一缕阳光洒向海面时,大名将其孩子呈现到涧灵之前。

7.Mr. Hoshino is an important Japanese cpent for this insurance company.星野先生是这家保险公司重要的日本客户。

8.'Manufacturing costs will be much lower than the usual antibodies once we optimize the procedure, ' said Shea's colleague, Yu Hoshino.Shea的同事YuHoshino说:“一旦我们完成产品生产过程优化,制造成本将比普通的抗体低很多。”

9.The Hoshino clan is named after its legendary founder, Daimyo Hoshino.星野部族得名于其传奇般的缔造者,星野大名。

10."It can't be helped, " said Akira Hoshino, chief manager of Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ's foreign exchange trading department.“(欧元)势不可挡,”三菱东京UFJ银行外汇交易部门主管AkiraHoshino说。