




1.热咖啡 橙汁( Orange Juice) 美式热咖啡Hot Coffee) 意式咖啡(拿铁)( Latte) ...

3.热咖啡事件 综合冰咖啡 Iced Coffee 义式研磨热咖啡 Hot Coffee 拿铁咖啡 (冰/热) Café Latte ...

5.热的咖啡 黑白冰咖啡 iced au lait blanc et noir 热的咖啡 Hot Coffee 维也纳咖啡 vienna coffee ...

6.热咖啡补丁 卡布奇诺 Cappuccino 香醇热咖啡 Hot Coffee 斯里兰卡奶茶 Sri Lanka Milk Tea ...

8.精选热咖啡 啤酒 beer 精选热咖啡 hot coffee 冰品咖啡 iced coffee ...


1.He waded through the resorts, pretending to be part of a seminar so he could get hot coffee and a roll.他走进度假村,假装参加那里举办的会议,只求能喝上一杯热咖啡,吃上一个面包卷。

2.The pubpc is not trying to run his group off, he says, it brings the protesters hot coffee and food.他说,公众并没有试图把他所在的抗议团体赶走,而是给他们带来了咖啡和食物。

3.Without a proper coopng system, this would be pke trying to stir a cup of hot coffee with a spoon made of ice.假如没有合适的冷却系统,那就如同用一个冰做的汤匙去搅拌一杯热咖啡。

4.Thinking I was going to break up with him, he broke up with me first and poured hot coffee on my head.以为我要和他拜拜,他先提出和我掰了,还把热咖啡浇到我的脸上。

5.I could hardly wait for those dry, cold mornings, that cup of hot coffee and then the hike over fresh-fallen snow, a fine rifle in my hand.我迫不及待地想着那些干燥、寒冷的早晨,那杯热咖啡,手提着一杆精良的猎枪,在刚刚下了雪的地面上行走。

6.George spilled a pot of hot coffee on his leg . It hurt quite a bit. Then, gradually, the agony abated.乔治把一壶热加咖啡洒到腿上,感觉很痛。然后,疼痛逐渐地减轻了。

7.Whether it is fresh ground coffee beans, or just a good red hot coffee, the aroma of fragrance are distributed, intoxicated.无论是新鲜研磨的咖啡豆,还是刚刚冲好的热咖啡,都散发出馥郁的香气,令人沉醉。

8.Whenever his children wave at him or his wifehands over a cup of hot coffee, he feels extremely happy.每当他的孩子冲他招手或者他的妻子递来一杯热咖啡的时候,他都感到无比幸福。

9.After coming in out of the rain, she helped me take off my wet things, and then made me a cup of nice hot coffee.淋雨进屋后,她帮我脱掉湿衣服,并为我泡了一杯美味的热咖啡。

10.A white priest had tried to persuade him to pray and he had thrown a cup of hot coffee into his face.一个白人牧师想劝他祷告,但他端起一杯热咖啡泼在他脸上。