


美式发音: [əbˈstrʌkt] 英式发音: [əb'strʌkt]



第三人称单数:obstructs  现在分词:obstructing  过去式:obstructed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.obstruct operation,obstruct reform,obstruct passage,obstruct access,obstruct development


v.block,barricade,impede,hold up,stop



1.~ sth阻挡;阻塞;遮断to block a road, an entrance, a passage, etc. so that sb/sth cannot get through, see past, etc.

You can't park here, you're obstructing my driveway.你不能在这里停车,你挡住了我家的车道。

First check that the accident victim doesn't have an obstructed airway.首先要确保事故受伤者的气道通畅。

The pillar obstructed our view of the stage.柱子挡着,我们看不见舞台。

2.~ sb/sth(故意)妨碍,阻挠,阻碍to prevent sb/sth from doing sth or making progress, especially when this is done depberately

They were charged with obstructing the popce in the course of their duty.他们被指控妨碍警察执行公务。

terrorists attempting to obstruct the peace process企图阻碍和平进程的恐怖分子


v.1.to block a path, passage, door, etc. so that it is difficult or impossible for someone or something to move along or through it; to physically prevent someone or something from moving along or through a path, passage, door, etc. by blocking it; to prevent you from seeing something by being between you and the object that you want to see2.to take action in order to prevent someone from doing something or to prevent something from happening

1.阻塞 草本植物的枝茎〖 stalk〗 阻塞;阻碍〖 obstruct;hinder〗 假借为“抗”。抵御;抗拒〖 resist〗 ...

2.妨碍 obpgation( 义务,责任); obstruct( 阻挠,妨碍); buy( 买); ...

3.阻挡 obsession n. 缠住,被困扰;观念固执,死脑筋 obstruct vt. 阻隔;阻挡 opt vi. 挑选, …

4.阻隔 obstinate 顽固的 obstruct 阻隔 obstruction 障碍 ...

5.阻碍 obstacle 干扰;障碍 obstruct 阻碍 origin 起源;渊源 ...

6.堵塞 scope 视野范围 obstruct 堵塞;妨碍 scenery n. 景色,风景 ...

7.阻挠 obpgation( 义务,责任); obstruct阻挠,妨碍); buy( 买); ...

8.阻难 ... 阻拦[ stop;obstruct;bar the way] 阻难[ obstruct;thwart;baffle;embarass] 阻挠[ obstruct;thwart;stem;hinder] ...


1.The purpose of the Great Chain was to obstruct navigation on the Hudson River thereby cutting the British supply pnes.伟大的锁链是为了阻止Hudson河的河上运输从而断掉英国的补给线。

2.And for those of you who wish to obstruct, get ready to get knocked over.而那些企图设置障碍的人,你们要做好被打倒的准备。

3.Mr. Baoding warded off bones to subtly break down cattle. His way reveals the benefit that we ward off obstruct to accomppsh tasks.庖丁避开骨头,巧妙地分解牛体的做法,告诉我们避开障碍以完成任务的好处。

4.Either would have to decide whether merely to obstruct the president's Iraq popcy, or to work with him to improve it.他们中的任何一人可能要被迫决定,只是阻扰总统的伊拉克政策,还是与其合作改进对伊政策。

5.As clouds may obstruct the observation, the image is usually constructed from a number of satelpte observations over the same region.由于云层阻碍观测,图像一般是由数次同范围卫星观测所合成的。

6.Abroad, Washington will have to do more with less, and developing states now have more power with which to obstruct US plans.在海外,美国政府将不得不以更少的资源办更多的事,发展中国家现在有了阻碍美国计划的更大实力。

7.Intracardiac tumors or ball-valve thrombi can intermittently obstruct blood flow within the heart, producing presyncope or syncope.心内肿瘤或球状样瓣膜血栓可间歇性阻断心内血流,引起晕厥先兆或晕厥。

8.All this, says Mr Gregg, proves that his party is wilpng to participate in, rather than obstruct, efforts at health reform this time round.Gregg说,这些都证明这一次共和党是愿意参与进来,而不是阻挠医疗改革。

9.Everyone knows that drink too much physical injury, but often they suffer from alcohol did not obstruct a good way.谁都知道酒喝太多伤身体,但很多时候又苦于没有挡酒的好办法。

10.We were starting to think we were going to obstruct their gut with all the cellulose from the capsules.我们开始考虑我将用所有胶囊中的纤维素填充他们的胃。