


美式发音: [hoʊˈtel] 英式发音: [həʊˈtel]



复数:hotels  搭配同义词

adj.+n.good hotel,international hotel,small hotel,same hotel,large hotel

v.+n.leave hotel,build hotel,own hotel,run hotel,manage hotel

n.bar,bed and breakfast,boarding house,greasy spoon,guesthouse



1.旅馆;旅社a building where people stay, usually for a short time, paying for their rooms and meals

We stayed at/in a hotel.我们住在旅馆里。

hotel rooms/guests旅馆的房间╱客人

a two-star/five-star, etc. hotel两星级、五星级等旅馆

a luxury hotel豪华宾馆

a friendly, family-run hotel一家亲切随和、家庭经营的旅店

2.酒吧;酒馆a pub

3.餐馆a restaurant


n.1.a building where you pay to stay in a room and have meals2.<regional>a pub, mainly used in Austrapan Engpsh3.a code word for the letter "H", used in international radio communications

1.酒店 bus n. 公共汽车 hotel n. 旅馆 all pron. 全部;全体 ...

3.饭店 get married 结婚 hotel 饭店 latest 最新的 ...

4.宾馆 cinema 电影院;电影 hotel 宾馆,旅馆,饭店 reservation 预订 ...

5.旅店 spp v. 跌落 hotel n. 旅店 hostel n. 青年旅社 ...

6.大饭店 《BLEACH 死神》 《HOTEL 大饭店》《日本经济入门》 《YAWARA! (以柔克刚)》 ...

7.酒店业 > Engineering 工程界 > Hotel 酒店业 > Insurance 保险业 ...

8.青年旅社 hunger 饥饿 hotel 青年旅社 hostel 旅店 ...


1.I had stayed in this hotel before but I don't think I'll mention the name. The hotel still feels beautiful to me.我曾经住过这间酒店,不讲酒店的名字了,酒店给我的感觉依然很漂亮。

2.Tour guide arrives with guests at the hotel, urgently dials for instructions: Which leg do I use first to go through the door?导游带着客人来到宾馆,急打电话请示:进门先迈哪条腿?

3.At the very least, you'll want the hotel to have some sort of mini-mart where you can pick up water, soda, and small bites to tide you over.至少,你会希望酒店有小型超市让你可以买一些水,饮料,食品来填饱肚子。

4.The hotel has a tour desk within the lobby that we found to be a lot cheaper than any of the external agencies.酒店大堂内有一个,我们发现了很多比任何外部机构便宜旅游服务台。

5.How much does the cost of Hotel car from Hotel to airport?酒店的车去机场需要多少钱?

6.Mr. Givens, the General Manager of the hotel warmly arranged time for the children to investigate how our chefs run a large hotel kitchen.酒店总经理葛文思先生热情安排了场地供孩子们参观大厨如何掌勺和运作一个庞大的后厨。

7.Reporters intercepted him as he tried to leave the hotel.他正要离开旅馆,记者们把他们拦截住了。

8.Aptly named Hannibal earned infamy for beating his model wife to a pulp in a suite at the posh Claridge's hotel in London.卡扎菲的五儿子汉尼拔因在伦敦克拉里奇酒店的豪华套房里暴打他的模特妻子赢得恶名。

9.It was just as well she did not see him go back to the hotel clerk and ask, "What name she registered under? "还好,她没有看见他走到旅馆侍者那里问,“她是以什么名字注册的?”

10.They are stationed at the entrances to the hotel and help the guests or other visitors in and out of cars and taxis.他们站在宾馆的入口,帮助客人或其他来宾进出轿车和出租车。